Recent content by melanie43


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  1. melanie43

    What are you listening to now?

    "Breath Me" by Sia
  2. melanie43

    Tamagotchi for Android

    Well if that's the case - Thanks! ^_^
  3. melanie43

    What are you listening to now?

    New Order "Bizarre Love Triangle"
  4. melanie43

    Can't decide which tama to start up

    I'm a fan of 4.5 right now. ;) So, which one did you start?
  5. melanie43

    Cool Tama Holders

    Thanks for sharing. I think I just might get one. edit: There's actually tons that would work. Hello Kitty Pug Teddy Bears Traditional Panda Pink bow Panda Turtle This one looks kinda like a baby tama
  6. melanie43

    Tama-Go Custom Faceplates

    Wow, so many great designs. Thanks for sharing everyone!
  7. melanie43

    Tamagotchi VIBE - concept mockup

    Well, with a mini usb on the bottom one could plug in a blue tooth add on or theoretically anything that could run off of the batteries (remember all the stuff that's been made to add onto ipods - ie portable speakers). My friend is a big fan of the lithium AAA batteries - which you can buy at...
  8. melanie43

    any tips for sneaking my tama music star to school?

    You're not the first or third person to bring this up. :babytchi: Check out this thread.
  9. melanie43

    Tamagotchi Connecting Poop Present?!

    I may be agreeing with a misbehaving tama, but now I'm smirking too. :kuribotchi:
  10. melanie43

    What did I buy? English or Japanese P1?

    I think SamJJ is right. I've heard that the tamas sold in Singapore have Japanese shells and western/english programming. I know- similar to what's already been said, but nice to know.
  11. melanie43

    Tamagotchi for Android

    Since I can't seem to find a tamagotchi devil anywhere I decided to find the monster app. Here is where I found tamagotchi, tamagotchi monster & angel. ps- Thanks Graficks. I was interested in that but didn't have the tama/program yet.
  12. melanie43

    Do you ever feel like a tama loner?

    Maybe we should start a poll where people vote for the region they live in - so we know where to book the convention ;)
  13. melanie43

    Tamagotchi for Android

    Has anyone else tried Tamagotchi monster (devil) on their Android phone?
  14. melanie43

    Do you ever feel like a tama loner?

    I'm not even going to post my age, but yeah - everyone thinks I'm crazy. :rolleyes:
  15. melanie43

    We need a tamagotchi for i phone

    Well, if you've got a phone on the android system you can chose from the tamagotchi monster (devil), angel or regular (p1?). Apple won't allow java - but if you know & trust someone who could jailbreak & put the right apps on it - it might be possible.