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  1. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi Connection Re-Release!

    Woohoo, it's finally happening! 😄🎉 Over the past few days, there have been leaks of an upcoming Tamagotchi Connection release, and as of yesterday, the pre-order pages over on Amazon are available! It seems like they're combining features and characters from a few different versions to make...
  2. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi Inspired Mobile Game Brainstorming

    For the better part of a decade now, my main hobby has been game development. I've worked on a handful of different projects with varying levels of completion, but one idea that's been on my mind for a while now has been creating a Tamagotchi inspired mobile game. Sort of similar to the older...
  3. TamaLove754

    Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog (Comments OK)

    Hey everyone! :kasatchi: Long time no see! I'm TamaLove754, or Vis_Mage in most other places nowadays. Some of you that have been around the community since way back in 2008-2012 may even recognize me. I was pretty active on here back then, but ended up posting less and less once life started...
  4. TamaLove754

    Returning Member

    Hey everyone! :kasatchi: I'm TamaLove754, or Vis_Mage in most other places nowadays. Not a new member here, actually joined way back in 2008. Was really active back in 2008-2012, back when the forums were bustling with activity. I never exactly left, but over time I sort of started lurking and...
  5. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi iD English Patch?

    I've seen that an P's English patch has been nearly completed, and I was wondering if an iD L English patch was ever made? Edit: Just realized that I put iD instead of iD L as the title, sorry 'bout that.
  6. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi MMO - A work in progress

    I’m posting today about a project that has been in the works for a while now, and it’s finally to the stage where it is starting to near completion for a demo. After Music City got shut down, I was hoping that Bandi would quickly release something similar, but since there wasn’t any sign of any...
  7. TamaLove754

    ID L Download Question

    I am looking to get an ID L here in the next few days, and so I have been searching for a compatable Infrared USB adaptor in order to get the many downloads. Would this adapter work with the ID L...
  8. TamaLove754

    Vintage Tamagotchi Screw Questions

    Long story short, a few of my vintage tamagotchi's screws have become very striped over time, and I greatly need to replace them. This leads to my main question, what size (Or specification/type) of screw will I need to get to replace these screws with? Also while I'm on the topic, a saw a few...
  9. TamaLove754

    Which color tama to get...

    I am looking into getting a new color tama, but I am not sure what to get. I do already have a TMGC+C (The first tama in color), but I kind of want to go for a version with more features, and overall longer lasting appeal. What do you all suggest I go for next?
  10. TamaLove754

    Vintage Screw Size

    Unfortunatly, my P2, and Angel have fallen to the troubbling fate that is stripped screws. Getting them out is of little worry, but I do hope to get them non-stripped screws. What size, or kind of screws to the vintage tamas use?
  11. TamaLove754

    P2 screws

    I have a stripped screw on my P2, and was hoping to replace it, without taking a screw from another of my vintage tamas. What size screw does a P2 take?
  12. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi GBA question

    I heard that the GBA tamagotchi's can turn into the oldie characters. I was wondering at what age, or other requirement, does a GBA tama become an oldie? Also, does anyone know where I can find a growth chart, and medicine guide for the GBA tamagotchi?
  13. TamaLove754

    Mario Kart 7 TamaTalk Community

    Welcome all to the Mario Kart 7 TamaTalk community. Here you can set up individual races with other members, or race on the actual TamaTalk wifi community! The TamaZone Wifi community code is: 67-9936-2802-6899 The community listed above is for free raceing. I will update this post later with...
  14. TamaLove754

    4th of July Hatch

    I was very suprised not to see one of there not already planned, so I decided that, well, there should be one! As the name suggests, the hatch starts on July 4th at noon. Any version can join, and anyone can enter any number of tamagotchi's. My goal is to have one of each kind of tamagotchi in...
  15. TamaLove754

    P2 Growth question

    As I am sure you can guess from my avitar, my fav character is Kazutchi. The problen is, he is a character gotten by bad care, while I would like one to stay for a decently long period of time. So, my question is could I merely never give my P2 any disiplen and recieve Kazutchi, or mustI give...
  16. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi Codes

    In the V2-V4.5, there are shop codes, as well as the codes for the !!! (Clone), and a pen. I am just currious where these came from? Were they released in an event, or were they released online, or were they just randomly figured out by some persion? I know one was in the instructions, and one...
  17. TamaLove754

    A Vintage Tama Christmas!

    Merry Christmas! Well, not yet! :P Anyway, I have been meaning to do this for the longest of time and I can't wailt to get it started! The hatch will be on December, 25, 2010 (Why did I even put 2010?) at any time that works for you! It's a perfect way to break in some new vintage tamas, or...
  18. TamaLove754

    Date Place

    Hi I just got my Tama-Go a few day's ago and I was wondering when your tama becomes an oldie, can you still use the date place?
  19. TamaLove754

    UraTamaTown help!

    I'm sorry if there is already a topic about this, I didn't see any. Anyway my question is at the UraTamaTown shop there is a medicine section. I was currious is someone could tell me what all of thoes are and what they do. Here is a link to UraTamaTown. Thanks :D
  20. TamaLove754


    Well like the title say's I need a link to Entamatown. My little Bro. just ordered a Entama and no matter how hard I look, I can't find the website or a link! Thanks in avance! :) Update: After some more looking around I finally found a link. Sorry for the inconveniance! A monidor can...