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  1. G

    Tamagotchi Perfume?

    I was randomly searching on Ebay for the Tamagotchi Mini, and found this perfume. Have any of you seen it in stores? And those who have been to Tamagotchi Emporiam in Japan, have you seen it there?
  2. G

    What's a Dyna?

    I found these on Ebay around two years ago, and I found them again. I don't really know what they are, but um I don't think the Japanese Disney company made these. Below is a link and a picture. It also looks very cute|294%3A50 ;) Oh...
  3. G

    Not A JD-A Sonica!

    I found this by a company called Sonica -something. It is called 'back light tamagotchi` weird has anybody seen these around. I think it is shaped like an arukotchi.......
  4. G

    Pocket Love

    I read on some Tamagotchi websites, about a virtual 'pet' called pocket love. It is where two cats are dating and you need to keep their relationship. Does anyone know where to find it? I have checked ebay And does anybody know where i might be able to buy Hello Kitty Mecha Este? Any websites...
  5. G


    I am crazy over Arukotchi now. I have read pages on Pixel Mood, Tama Square and Tamenagerie. Does anybody know where I can buy one other than ebay? It was in Jason`s store a while back but it was like $80. I checked all Tamenagerie`s store and Pixel Mood, and I can`t find one.... :furawatchi:
  6. G

    Have you been on this site?

    It`s called Oyunlar1, it is fun, but most of the games are in Korean. My favourite are StarSue The link is below Oyunlar1 :P
  7. G

    What Are You Eating Right Now?

    A weird questions....soo.....yeah.....WHAT are you eating right now? Me....I`m eating bread that`s full of herbs...not sure whether it`s tasty or not :blink:
  8. G

    Wake up!

    I finally accessed the dating show and when I canceled the first one, the matchmaker fell asleep and will not wake up HELP!
  9. G

    Fiction Furby

    Okay, my friend was just discussing furbies when she came up with this: A teenage girl called Joyce bought a Furby once. It was not her colour and besides, she didn`t like it. So she gave it to her little sister. A month later, she got a nice colourful Furby and loved it.She named...
  10. G

    Weird Moments

    List a weird moment you have encountered. EG I woke up at 4 am to feed stray cats, infront of a lot of guys in my tiny pj shorts. (don`t ask me why the guys were there!!!!!)
  11. G

    Weird Girl`s Tamagotchi

    I was browsing on Jason`s store and found these They look like some girl`
  12. G


    My sister`s birthday is coming up and my mum and I want party favours so I found these: Note that they don`t have transparent colours!!!!! My friend who lives in a foreign country where Tamagotchi`s cost a lot of money told me she...
  13. G

    Bandai ripping themsleves off?

    I was looking around the Internet and read a blog of someone who had bought an Uratama from Jason (an Australian seller) (recommended by Mothra) They said that there was a small advertisment card for a touch-screen tamagotchi and it looked suspiciously like this...
  14. G

    Bye Masktchi

    Tamagotchi's Name: Elza Tamagotchi's Age:3 Date of Birth: 22 May Date of Passing: 3 July What Generation? 2 Your Comments: I really missed him...he died cuz I left him for too long...and I always got him as an adult......and he actually smiled for me once....*sniffs* My poor Masktchi...
  15. G

    What`s your Favourite Tamagotchi?

    I was just wondering. Note that these are all American releases. I have all connexions except the music star but too bad I live in London and they don`t sell them here :mellow:
  16. G

    Pixel Chix Babysitting Codes

    Can somebody give me the 'button combinations' for the Pixel Chix Babysitter? :)
  17. G

    What Tamagotchi? I found this tamagotchi what is it?
  18. G

    Weird Dinkie

    Ok....I got a chep fake 29-in-1 multipet off ebay. But i didn`t think it would be this weird. :D It beeps when it`s asleep. The character doesn`t want to evolve (u always start with an adult) The pet doesn`t want to do anything but eat and when it wakes up the screen says bye and a crying...
  19. G

    Blended Family..Is a Royal Family?

    Ok, I have a Famalitchi (duh :P ) Yeah and I have a Bell-chi Mattaritchi Mousetchi And I looking online...and saw that these are all from the Royal Family. But my tama says Blended Family...I don`t get it... Plus, I sort of pause my tamas before school but now I don`t. I have given my...
  20. G

    Another Fakie

    I am soooooooooooooooo desperate for a real dinkie dino that doesn`t cost me a fortune and when I was searching thru ebay, I found this, (please cut and paste if the link doesn`t turn up) Is it a fake? Please reply Oh yeah and I`m...