How to Return a Tamagotchi ON to Bandai America


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Jul 29, 2019
Reaction score
The Big Wide West
Hey there Tama lovers!

So I know quite a number of us have purchased the Tamagotchi ON here in the US, and then had technical issues with them. My issue is a strange one—the device powers on, and functions for a little while, but then a few minutes into the baby stage it simply shuts off. Not just the display turning off—no, the device won't respond to button presses at all. The only way we could find to fix it was to open the back and replace the batteries, and then it would work for another few minutes before shutting off again. If we could get it through the baby stage, the device usually progressed OK from there, except that it BURNED through batteries. New batteries were needed every 1-2 days, and it didn't even give a "low battery" message before simply shutting off again. Still, despite those hurdles we got through three or four generations before the device completely kicked the bucket and wouldn't work anymore.

In the meantime, I've been in contact frequently with Bandai America about the faulty device, because I had no way to return it to the store where it was purchased for a replacement. (It was a second-hand purchase of a NIB device.) The reason I'm writing this post at all is because I know folks have had trouble in the past getting any kind of response from Bandai to technical issues. After some hassling, they have agreed to look at my device and either repair or replace it.

Here's how I did it, in case you also have inexplicable hardware issues with your new Tamagotchi ON like I did.

1. Contact Bandai through the contact form on the Bandai America website.

2. I had to submit my request twice through that form before I received a reply email. (My requests were more than a week and a half apart.) So far with this process I've had to be really persistent. Describe your technical issue in as much detail as you can and don't specifically request a replacement—they will probably replace the device on their own once you get to step 5.

3. Bandai America will email you asking for you to send in the device. They specifically do not promise to replace the device, or even find one similar to it. You also have to complete this process within 30 days of them sending you a mailing label, so be sure you pester them if too much time passes without a response.

The hurdle to sending in your faulty device is that Bandai America won't accept any personal information (like your address) through email, for whatever reason. You have to write them a snail mail letter with your address in it (and a print-out of the email they sent you) addressed to their customer service team in California. Then they will respond, supposedly, to that letter with a prepaid mailing label for your device.

4. You won't actually get the label unless you get in contact with customer service again. I waited more than three weeks after snail-mailing in my address and the label never showed, so I emailed Customer Service back and got the label within 3 days. (Remember: don't give them your address over email or they probably won't deal with you.)

5. Pack up and mail your device back to them. I included a letter with my shipment going into as much detail as I could about my issue, because they may be fooled into thinking the device is fine when they first power it on. My hunch is they won't bother to repair your device and send it back to you—they will probably keep it, do tests on it, and send you a replacement in the meantime.

I should hear back from them in another week or two and I can update this post then with what happens!

Good luck!

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