Mesutchi & Osutchi, do they have to be the same?


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Nov 5, 2019
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Just like the title suggests, does a Mesutchi and Osutchi need to have the same corresponding shell to work/mate? Sorry if this is a silly question! I happen to come by a set of them and it had a few males and females, but it didn’t have their right mates in the correct color for them. 😔 Hope that make sense! 

I don't own a pair, so someone who does will have to confirm this, but I'm pretty sure that you can mix and match them - I've often seen mismatched pairs being sold, and going by the picture on the Tamagotchi Wiki they were sold singly to begin with.
Thank you! After reading your reply, I saw in my similar content section another post from a few years back on here asking the same question! ☺️ Most people said it also that it should be fine! And you’re right, they sold them separately to begin with so it shouldn’t matter!
