the aquapets poll


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i like lugi. i got him, hes soo cute, and he glows in the dark!
I have him too!

He is so cute, and he is my only one. I got my friend one, and she says her dad turns it on everyday!

He is my only one, however. He is so ancient! I like the wave that they are in best. I don't know exactly why, but I think its because it is so cool! Anyhow, he's retired.

mametchi ;)


i'd say they were all cute, but tu has to be my favourite!

speak to you soon,

:ichigotchi: andro crazy! :)

im sorry but i have never heard of any of these pets before only the tamagotchi. where do you get them from? :huh: if anyone know please tell me B) :hitodetchi: :mimitchi: :mametchi: :p :p :pochitchi: ^_^ :nyatchi: :nazotchi: :kusatchi:

:huh: Huh?Whaat :huh: ?How :huh: ?Who :huh: ?Where :huh: ?? :huh: What's an aquapet?????

EMOTICONS RULE!!!YEAH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

;) :kusatchi: :D B) :) :D

they are all so cute! i like the miko (raindrop) and the flamo (flames) i like the heart one too

I was just thinking of Aquapets the other day. Puku is the best, but I remember my favorite was this light bluish one with yellow and blue striped "hair" and black little stubby legs. Forgot the name. I didn't know these were popular, they're very annoying. Eh, I used to like 'em when I was little.

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