What the?


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Mar 4, 2006
Reaction score
What the heck is a power pal!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what a tamagochi is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ^_^

what do powerpalz look like? does anyone know? i have never heard of them before. when did they come out? did anyone notice that they came out? are they cute? sorry about all the questions hehe. im just curious...



:( :huh:



: :( :huh:



:eek: :(

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PowerPals are like tamagtochi's only tamagotchis are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better. you can't even choose the games you want. all the boys do is juggles a soccer ball and girls dance. Its dumb. mine broke

PowerPals are like tamagtochi's only tamagotchis are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better. you can't even choose the games you want. all the boys do is juggles a soccer ball and girls dance. Its dumb. mine broke
You don't get to have a variety of pets?! That's lame! And genderism? (boys do sports, girls dance) That's corny.

It deserved to be broken... :puroperatchi:

You don't get to have a variety of pets?! That's lame! And genderism? (boys do sports, girls dance) That's corny.It deserved to be broken... :lol:
For further reference, its called sexest. Genderism Ive never heard of lol.

what the heck is a power pal are they stupid and i think thats rode boys do sports and girls dance :D thats descrimination ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww pluse my friend says hers broke on the second day she got it :lol: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Thanks for the picture! They can connect like Tamagotchi Connections? Cool! And they look cute!

I saw the horse Power Pal's picture in an online store! It's too cute!

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who has a tamagotchi
Please don't SPAM/go off topic. :mametchi: Thanks.

PowerPalz don't look very attractive, in my opinion. I agree: Boys play sports and Girls Dance? Not cool. That's saying something I don't like... Yes, descrimination. Girls and boys can do much mroe than play sports and dance. :mametchi:

Sorry, but I would choose Tamagotchis over PowerPalz any day. :lol:

is it online or handheld? :(
i got a dog its handheld and it dont grow u look after it i also got muchiz ytou can connect that to ^_^ the computer

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