girls only!


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Carved a really bad message into my tree trunk. I will not tell what it was though.

This one guy cussed me out because I sent a note to my friend that said he was an ugly loser. Because she liked him and she let him take the note from her. So he read it.

That was about it...

Ok. Well, I played cricket for school last year. It was the last day of the last game and we were fielding. I was fielding at square leg. Jeppo bowls the ball then the batmen (a boy) hits the ball and the ball comes flying at me. I kneel down on my side, which is what we're supposed to do, to get the ball and then the ball hits a ditch, pops up and hits me in the face. Ouchie! I was bleeding around my mouth and that area. It didn't really hurt to be honest, a little blodd doesn't stop me doing anything! My whole team was shouting "oh no! She's broken her jaw!" At least I'm appreciated in my team, considering I'm the only girl in the team.

That's kind of the worst and the best thing a boy has ever done to me.

For a relationship this guy tried to make out with me.... i lost my appetite.....

one time a boy who i did not like said he liked me so i got mad and hit him with a baseball and he told his gandma my mom and dad........................

Mmmm, lets see, this one time this boy walked in when I was getting un-dressed.

one guy on TT sended me a wrong message.

one guy went up to me & staryed at my chest.

much more.

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one guy who i really like said he had a dream about me and i was about to tell him i liked him to then he said "it was your hot body but it was cassies hot face" i got real mad at him and slapped him "anger management, saz, anger management" was his reply

Fro relationship, asked me if it was okay if he went out with other girls (basically asked 'Can I cheat on you?') For other, One dude tried to barf on me on purpose! Oh, except when Braden went Peeping Tom on me and watched my getting dressed when We were playing dress up like 4 years ago.

the worst thing that a boy ever did to me much but...

i was walking beside the basketball court and a ball just came and slapped

my face!!! the little boy didn't even say sorry!! my face was red and i was really mad

that i started shouting really loud i had 5 of my friends hold me down and calm me!

Pushed me into an ant hill.


Well, it was and accident and he did help me get rid of the ants and he did say sorry.

So I guess it wasn't so bad.

But I was walking around and a random boy stuck chewing gum in my hair.


There was one guy that I liked and my friend told him and then he went around the whole school telling everybody!!!!!! It was so embarassing!!!!! There was another time when I made a play-doh necklace for a guy (I was 5!!!!) And he went and told the teacher!!!

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