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The Wii is one of my favorite systems along with the D.S.


The remotes can break the t.v. if you don't wear the strap so I always make sure I do.

I like the wii a lot. (Although I live under a rock and have no life, so it's probably not a good idea asking me.)

yes it is. theirs red steel, wii play, wii sports, warioware, and more. theirs also internet which im using right now!

I don't have a wii but my friend does and I played it at her house. It's totally sweetness!!!! So much fun!!! Wii Sports is totally awesome!!!! And it only breaks the TV if the strap isn't secured right. It warns you, so it's not the company's fault if you break your TV.

//Gorgeous B)

Wiis are so fun! I have one myself, and I absolutely LOVE Trauma Center: Second Opinion! On it you can operate on patients and do things like remove tumors, save car crash victims, replace a heart valve, and so on. Just to warn you, later on in the storyline all you ever do is operate against seven different strains of a disease GUILT. Because of this disease I haven't beaten it yet (Stupid Paraskevi and Savato!) It also has a story to it, before and after surgeries you read dialogue. It's like a surgery imitation in a medical drama in a video game. The storyline is fun though, they call each other bad names alot XD So amusing. In it you control Derek Stiles (Sometimes Nozomi Weaver) and once Derek got GUILT so Nozomi had to operate on him and she asked Derek about the surgery and the nurse, Angie because of her "feelings" for him XD Then once I was bored so I purposely killed Derek because I wanted to know what would happen, and Angie was crying saying No, Derek, DEREK! ROTFLOL and then when I saved him she was like *sniff* O-operation Co-complete! Thank you *sniff* doctor! LOL. Then I keep playing that level for my amusement XD I'm also very hyper, so I like to kill the people o purpose when they're someone in the storyline that is important, like a person's little sister and Derek. I know I'm entertained by weird things XD

They are exellent! B)

But you should ask fridgos - He's a Nintendo Master :|

It isnt out where I live.. It comes out in September in England.. X[

Oh well.. We got Other games first X].. Like Ocarina of Time on VC.

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