Death Points


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
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:mellow: :huh: :angry: :huh: :( :( Okay, my sister's tamagotchi is the weirdest ever. Every time that one of her charatcters dies, and she starts over with a new one, it gives her 10,000 points to begin with. In my thoughts its just a bug or an error in the tamagotchi, but if you have had similar experiences, please tell me ASAP. :huh: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Never had that problem / advantage with any of my tamas :angry:

It's difficult to guess what is going on with your sister's tama because you haven't given us any details of exactly how it "gives her 10,000 points to begin with" ...

Does she get a present from the King each time?

Does 10,000 extra points miraculously appear in her GP total ? If so, how did she notice it was exactly 10,000 points each time?

How many times has this happened?

Apart from all those quesionts, I'm wondering ... is it a genuine BanDai V4 tamagotchi?

They will replace it with a new one if they can't fix it you know :rolleyes:

I Have That Experience Too When My Tamagotchi Passed Away.But More Weird Than Yours,My Got 40000 Gp Every Time When I Passed Away And I Reset.I Think That Might Be A New Features For The Tamagotchi V4. :rolleyes:

On V4, tamagotchi keeps their money (but not items) when they die. BanDai should have though of that sooner!

mine did that but started with the money it already had before it died

I wouldn't know. My V4s haven't ever died yet XD I'll report back if they do though. But this topic will probably already be long and dead.

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