Who Has Braces?


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
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Usa, WV
I just went to the orth. and got a bigger wire for my bottom braces and they HURT!!!!! I can't eat anything but Popsicles, Icecream, Apple Sauce, And Pudding.

Had them, senior year of high school. Got them off before I started college. Wasn't too serious, I just had a lot of teeth and not enough room in my mouth, so slight straightening was needed. :eek: It hurt quite a lot for the first few weeks. I also could only eat soft things. I pretty much doused anything I was eating in some sort of broth, especially soup, and just ate it like that. Rice with soup, gotta love it. I didn't mind that much. I still kind of eat like that, out of habit.

I had them on my freshman and sophomore year of highschool. They're a big pain, but they're definitely worth it. Now I never want to go back to them, I love my smile. I'm so much more confident.

I had them for four years. Finally got them off last October. It was one of the happiest days of my life. xD

There were times when they were really painful, but other than that, I just didn't like the way they looked on my teeth. Some people actually look really cool with them; I wasn't one of those people, lol. But my ortho wasn't nice at all. And all of his workers were foreign and I had the hardest time understanding them! D:

It was worth it, though. :) I'm pretty happy with my smile.

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I don't have braces, but I also haven't been to a dentist in six years. I know, that's bad. But I'll probably go before the end of the summer.

My teeth aren't incredibly horrible, but there are some problems that I have with them. I'm not sure if I need braces, though.

I had them and i had to pick my food in small pieces and swallow. it hurt so bad. I had mine for 10 months. But it felt like 4 years. I was supposed to have them for 2-3 years. but i was lucky cause my teeth went straight quickly.

I have them, they are blue right now and I'm thinking of getting purple next, then dark pink.

I don't really like them, I don't hate them, though, I just hate when food gets stuck in them and when they cut your lip sometimes.

And they don't really look the best on me .. so I'm not really a fan of them ._.

I used to have them, but now I have a big white (and straight) smile! and a retainer... :D

I've had them for two years, they were alright.

I ate all the stuff my ortho told me not to eat; caramel, syrup, gum - I was a rebellious kid. =3

But, they also have me lots of cuts on my lips, and hurt a lot. ;w;

Anything and everything I ate got stuck in them.

It was pretty embarrassing to have people tell you that you had sauce or meat or bread in your teeth all the time. D;

Now I've had them off for a little over a year, and I'm happy with my smile.

If it's painful for you, just remember how great you'll look in a year's time. It'll be all worth it. :3

never had them, never will. My teeth aren't exactly perfect, but at least they're not crooked, so i don't ever need braces. I just have a teeny gap in my front teeth, but they're supposed to be pushed together once my wisdom teeth grow in or something. the worst i'll ever have to get is a retainer if my teeth don't go together eventually.

I've been incredibly lucky with my teeth. Of course, the fact that I've had no fillings or anything is because I've brushed them well and not eaten too much crap.

But I've never had any extra teeth grow and my teeth are also naturally very straight. In fact, most people don't believe that I've never had braces, because they are so straight.

I think I like my smile a lot, actually.

Touch wood, hopefully they'll stay like this.

I haven't got braces yet, but my dentist said I'll need them when I had my appointment last week. My bottom teeth arer crowded so I have one growing towards the inside of my mouth instead of straight up.

I'm glad to say I'll never have a need for braces, but my front teeth on the top aren't perfectly even. The left tooth feels like its a bit more pushed forward than the one on the right. I don't think it would make me need any braces though.

It's funny that all my friends turn to me for braces advice. xD

I've had braces for almost 3 years. I've recently gotten my bottoms off, and should get my tops off in two months.

I don't really care for the pain anymore, I just think they're so annoying.

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