~Raising my Tama-Go~


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Active member
Aug 22, 2010
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Peoria, Arizona, USA

~Raising My Tama-Go~

by Swiko



Hello there!

I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself.

You can call me Swiko.

I'm not the most Tama-savvy person in the world. Really, I only know much about what Target and Wal-Mart gave me.

But whatever~

This morning I decided to start up my Tama-Go again from scratch.

I've vowed never to pause it again, because I always feel bad, and then that's when my Tama-hiatus-moments tend to happen. I don't want those anymore.

My Tama-Go is the white one that came with the uh... green dude and paper-thing. However I bought the Chamametchi character/paper thing and currently have that paper-thing on it. I really don't know what to call it other than paper-thing. So that's what y'all are getting. n_n


~DAY 1~




I started up my Tama-Go about ten minutes past eleven this morning. My username is "Momoko," and the egg hatched into a boy. I fed him so he wasn't hungry anymore and then proceeded to play some games. I put in my Chamametchi and proceeded to play Shuffle Shuffle. Lost on the third round. Not too bad, since I haven't played that game in months. Then I decided to play Construction Panels. Bombed that one on the first round. I had no idea what I was doing until I realized how to play it, and then I lost. Oh well.




Then I took that character out and put the green dude in. I played cradles a--OH RIGHT IT'S CALLED KUCHIPATCHI--anyways and I lost on the fourth round. When the game ended I noticed my Tama had pooped sometime while we were playing and I missed it. Boooo. So I picked it up and we played Long Jumper and lost at only 17. That made me mad so I played again and lost at 65, a much better score to say you lost at if we're talking about losing here. Then I played Shoot the Bug and got to 42 before I lost. I'm not that great at games apparently. But then I played and beat Cradles! Yay! So we went to the park and there was a Mametchi who my Tama played with. Then he got sick and I needed to give him his medicine. We played long jumper and got to 66 before losing. When the game ended and I exited to the normal screen, there was apparently another poop I missed. How frustrating.




So after picking up the poop again I went and bought out the food shop. On the Chamametchi character's Toy Shop I bought a Doll House. Then I checked my Tama's stats and saw that we were up to 3 friendship hearts! Yay! We played more Shoot the Bug and lost at 84. And then... a disaster was prevented. I went to the home screen and it was gonna blow so I got it to the toilet in time! WHOO!




While he slept, I checked his stats, and we were up to four whole friendship hearts. When I went back to the home screen, he had woken up. We got to 98 on Shoot the Bug and lost. Oh well, I hate that game now anyways. And then I missed another poop while looking at my computer.




I gave my Tama his first ever snack! Just milk. I was busy and didn't feel like playing a game after seeing that he was missing one happiness heart. Then he evolved into a Mattaritchi, which according to the Wikia is the bad care, I guess. Well, grr.




To make matters worse, I missed another poop. But then I got to 80 on Long Jumper! I'm improving, yay~! Being bored as I was, I went onto Tamatown and unlocked the Mattaritchi character.




We played Long Jumper and lost around 80 again. Staying strong! And once again, I managed to get him on the toilet without missing it. He then had 3 training points. And we got to five whole friendship hearts!



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We finally beat a game of Shuffle Shuffle. So that's good. I let my Tama play with the Doll House we bought earlier. But then a disaster occurred! I became so distracted singing karaoke that my Tama lost both one hunger and one happy heart for the first time since it was a baby! D': So I fed him and we played Shuffle Shuffle but lost on the fourth round because I blinked.




So then we played with the dollhouse again! Then I took my Tama to the park and he played with a Kikitchi on the teeter totter. We got to all six full friendship hearts! Hooray! A few minutes later, he beeped at me again for no reason, and I accidentily praised him instead of giving him a time-out. Oops.




My Tama and I bought out the food shop. I began starting to think of names for my Tama here, because referring to him as "Tama" is boring. We played Shoot the Bug and lost at 94. I still hate that game. I missed yet another poop. Then I fed him a sandwich. Somehow, he got 4 training bars in all. Oh dear, I'm training this Tama to do his business on the floor and whine at me over nothing. Oh whyyy.




He ate grapes. That's literally it.




So I was outside singing karaoke and of course when I came back there was a poop. I am the worst person on this earth, ever. So then we played Shoot the Bug and lost at 80. Later in the hour he beeped for no reason and I put him in time-out, and he got another training point. So that's an accomplishment.







We lost a game of Long Jumper at... 99. But it's not like I'm angry or anything.




Nope, it doesn't phase me at all.

So then we bought out the food shop again. My Tama took his shower, and that took like 30 minutes. After his shower I stared at his screen for five minutes waiting for him to poop. I looked away for ten seconds, and when I looked back, there was a poop. Whyyyyyy. Yet somehow, it got +1 training point. I really am training this Tama to be a failure, aren't I? D:




I finally decided on a name for my Tama! His name will be "Ellsee" which is just the name-form for "L.C." (lost cause). Ellsee and I went to the park, but no one was there. That was kind of dumb on my part. He took a nap and I checked his stats. When I was done, he was awake. We played Cradles and lost on Round 3. So I took him to the toystore and bought him a rocking horse and baby ducks. I started a game of Shuffle Shuffle with Ellsee but I wasn't paying attention and lost on Round 1 like a boss. But then we played again and beat it, so I'm happy now. I had him play with the baby ducks which was amusing, because they do a song/dance routine. Then Ellsee played with the rocking horse, which was cute.




At 8 P.M., Ellsee went to bed. He is still sleeping now (2 hours later) while I spent (2 hours) working on my (very picture-y) TamaLog for him! Yay!


I really do hope you enjoyed my TamaLog, I tried very hard to make it detailed and fun to read for anyone who likes reading other people's TamaLogs often. Please send me mail or leave comments on my status if you'd like to comment! :'D


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I slept in today, and when I woke up, Ellsee was almost dead and had two poops. Booo. So I had to make him a fatty and I had him eat sushi, sandwiches, and pasta.




We played Long Jumper and lost at 20. I had just woken up, leave me alone. And then we played Cradles and lost on Round 6. Oh well. Then we bought out the food shop again.




We went to the park and played with one of those sheep-things. Lost a game of Shoot the Bug at 72. I really, really hate that game now. Then we lost Long Jumper (again) at 27. Life is just not going our way today.




I missed a poop. Again. Whyyyy. You know, I think there's a conspiracy. The world is against me. It really is. And to make matters worse, a training point was gained for pooping on the floor. Ellsee really is a lost cause. Poor thing. So we went and beat a game of Shuffle Shuffle. I went to the Toy Store and bought Ellsee some Roller Skates and Bubbles, only to realize he can't use either of them.




So I bought out the food shop again. Whatever.




I was busy watching Desperate Housewives on Lifetime so Ellsee and I really didn't do anything. Except, during commercial break, he evolved into a Kilalatchi, the okay-care teenager. Yay! That's better than the bad care, I guess!






I missed a poop. Again. And then I went to the movies and made Ellsee suffer for hours. Poor Ellsee. However, I gave him a snack before the movie.




I had to pick up yet another poop that I missed because of watching the movie. And he got a training point for that. Gah. So then we played Long Jumper and lost at 60. We bought out the food shop, and I missed another poop. Of course.





We played Long Jumper and lost at 35. We've been losing a lot lately. I bought out the food shop again. We're never going to run out of food, I swear. Then Ellsee proceeded to take his shower.






He brushed his teeth. Yeah.




Ellsee went to bed, and has been sleeping for two hours, just about, now. He is missing one happy and one hunger heart, but I'll hopefully wake up soon enough in the morning to prevent him from dying!







8:00 AM


I was half asleep. I woke up briefly and could barely open my eyes because I was in a sleep coma. So I picked up Ellsee's poop and fed him before rolling over and falling asleep again.


9:00 AM


The same thing as 8, really. I was super tired. Staying up until 3 AM is not healthy.


10:00 AM


I fed Ellsee. He beeped randomly for no reason again, and I gave him a time out. He earned a training point. That's something.


11:00 AM


We played Long Jumper and lost at 73. I don't know why we just can't win Long Jumper. Life hates us. So we tried playing again and lost at 37 and gave up before it got any worse. We bought everything in the food shop but the melon becuase it was too expensive and I was too lazy to get points. For the rest of the day we didn't buy out the entire food shop because I was very occupied and didn't want to play many games with Ellsee. So instead I fed him snacks like a horrible person. He didn't get that fat, though. Good. I don't raise fatties. So then we went to the park and played on the swings with a ninja thing. I missed another poop. Yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to help Ellsee. The I fed Ellsee a healthy meal of French Fries.


12:00 PM


Ellsee evolved into a Kuromametchi! I am so proud of him and myself! I'm so excited that he evolved into a good character and overall a character that I like. Perhaps Ellsee isn't such a lost cause after all!! This was so exciting for us!


1:00 PM


Ellsee beeped but when I looked at him nothing happened and he quit with the "!" before I could give him a time out. Oh well.


2:00 PM


I missed a poop. Oh God. Oh God, oh dear, oh God. He's an adult now and I really have trained him to be a failure. He can't even use the toilet on his own and he's 2 years old. I think... I think I'm an awful Tama owner. I really do. How embarrassing. I am appalled and ashamed with this entire poop-issue. I hope Ellsee's future baby doesn't end up the same way.


3:00 PM


Nothing. I love low maintainence adult Tamas!


4:00 PM


Ellsee ate a corn dog and later beeped and did that thing where he gets really big on the screen. Hooray.


5:00 PM


Since he's an adult now, I figured I could finally make use of the bubbles and roller skates. So I did. He used both and LOVED IT. Then I missed a poop and Ellsee got a training point for it. Again. I give up.


6:00 PM


I went out to dinner but took Ellsee with me. He took his nightly shower.


7:00 PM


Ellsee did the beep-and-get-big thing again. Then we played Long Jumper and lost at 73. Wait... wasn't that the exact same score we lost at earlier...? Yes. Yes it is. Wow.


8:00 PM


Ellsee went to sleep and has been sleeping ever since. I'm not sure if he brushed his teeth or not. I must have been in the bathroom when he beeped and then not noticed, if he brushed his teeth at all. Oh well. I don't know.


I would like to personally apologize for the lack of pictures in this post. I began playing a closed beta MMORPG and it's really addicting, so I want to go back to it instead of draw on paint. But I promise. THERE WILL BE MORE PICTURES. Yes, and thank you for your loyal viewing of this blog. I'm sorry to disappoint you with my lack of pictures. D':


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10:00 AM


I was in one of my sleep-comas, so all I did was pick up a poop. And feed him, if I could open my eyes long enough to see what I was clicking with the buttons. I am ashamed that my KUROMAMETCHI poops on the floor. This is a disaster.




11:00 AM


Okay, so really, even after I woke up, almost nothing happened today. I was too lazy to play ANY games, so now I have to take back that note about not raising fatties, because Ellsee is like 45 pounds. However I did start up my v1 and v2 today (named Salt and Peper). However this is Ellsee's log so they won't be included (unless I feel like it).


12:00 PM


I fed Ellsee.


1:00 PM


Ellsee pooped and I had to pick it up. Sad day. Then he did that beep-and-get-big thing.


3:00 PM


I missed another poop. You know, when Ellsee's a father, his kid's going to grow up to be a failure as well, I bet.


6:00 PM


I missed yet another one of Ellsee's poops, and then he took his shower.


8:00 PM


Ellsee went to sleep. It's now around 3:30 AM and I probably won't wake up until noon--oh... Salt and Peper are probably gonna die then... Uhm... Wish us all luck!!


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10:00 AM


Ellsee pooped on the ground. I've given up all hope on him being potty trained long ago.


12:00 PM


He pooped again.


1:00 PM


He did the beep thing again.


3:00 PM


Another poop has been missed, and I had to pick it up.


6:00 PM


I notice a trend from my last log about the poops I'm missing, because like yesterday at this time, I missed another of Ellsee's poops. Then Ellsee took his shower.


8:00 PM


Ellsee pooped again and then went to bed.


I really regret not spending much time with Ellsee for the past couple of days. I mean, 50% of this log is now me neglecting him. I remember taking 2 hours to write Log 1 because so much happened. I haven't even played a game with Ellsee in 2 days. I've really let his weight go. He's now 60 pounds. So tomorrow, I'm taking good care of him. We're cutting the snacks and getting back down to normal weight. We're going to buy out the shop and hopefully find a cool new wallpaper.


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10:00 AM


Since I was still in my sleep coma, all that happened was I noticed that Ellsee pooped.


11:00 PM


He pooped again. I was still in a sleep coma.


1:00 PM


I (kinda) kept my promise before "stuff" happened to distract me from Ellsee. But we did do a lot in this hour! We beat a game of Shuffle Shuffle. Then amazingly, WE BEAT LONG JUMPER. YEEES. For once, OMG. Feeling epic, we played again and lost at 76, so boo. I broke my own streak of wins. Then we played Shoot the Bug and lost at 80. Then we beat Cradles! To celebrate, we bought out the entire food shop. Then I decided to play Shuffle Shuffle. Lost on Round 1. Tried again. Lost on Round 1 again. Gave up. So we moved on the Long Jumper again! We played and lost at 30. Then we played and lost at 28. So I gave up with games. Then we went to the park and played with a penguin on the teeter totter!


3:00 PM


I missed a poop, and we bought out the food shop! Hooray! Then my mom took my driving and then out to eat so there was not much more time for Ellsee today. ):


6:00 PM


I notice a trend from my last log about the poops I'm missing, because like yesterday at this time, I missed another of Ellsee's poops. Then Ellsee took his shower.


8:00 PM


He pooped and went to bed since I was not at home and didn't take him with me. But hey! We did play and buy out the shop a couple times today! So that's good! And tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth pulled out, oh JOY. So Ellsee probably won't be happy with my "attitude." But there may be hope! :)

I have to get to bed so I can wake up in 6 hours heheh... so no pictures today (plus I'm lazy~). Night!!





11:00 PM


Like I said, I got my wisdom teeth pulled today. All four of them. Ellsee was left at home, and when I checked on him, he was okay. He had a poop, but I really don't care anymore. Gave up on that a long time ago.




We played Long Jumper a million bazillion times in a row and bought out the food shop. Then I noticed, well, he's 6! He can get married! What am I waiting for?! So we went to to dating place and he married an Uwasatchi! Hopefully they'll have a baby tomorrow! I've also decided Ellsee's wife needs a name. She has been named Shelby by myself. Ellsee and Shelby are very happy together!




6:00 PM


Ellsee and Shelby took a shower. They also beeper at me to show me how incredibly happy they are. Shelby is the best thing that ever happened to Ellsee, since I failed him as a child. Poor baby!


8:00 PM


I bought out the food shop, and then Ellsee and Shelby went to bed. I'm still kind of in my "I-hate-my-life-I-just-had-my-gums-cut-and-teeth-removed-from-my-mouth-and-a-piece-of-my-jawbone-was-removed-in-the-process" mode, so I didn't do much after all those games of Long Jumper. At least Ellsee got married to Shelby!!





4:00 PM


It has just occurred to me that I put "11:00 PM" on my previous entry. Uhh. I hope you understood I meant AM. Oh well, moving on~! I really didn't do much with Ellsee (and Shelby) this morning because I was recovering from Wisdom Teeth (and watching Desperate Housewives, and NOTHING interrupts me from that). So then we played Long Jumper and lost at 42! We also bought some food from the shop, but not all. I started up my v3 today (Blue). Oh, and Salt and Peper are adults, doing well, in case anyone was wondering. So then Ellsee and I went to the park and played in the sandbox with an I-have-no-idea-nor-do-I-remember-what-it-looked-like-tchi. Yay!




6:00 PM


Ellsee and I played Long Jumper and lost at 32. Fail. Then Ellsee and Shelby took their shower.


8:00 PM


We played Long Jumper again and won! Wow! It's a MIRACLE! We bought out the food shop in celebration! Then he and Shelby went "to bed" and I checked his stats and they were awake when I went back to the home screen, but, okay...? So then we played Long Jumper and lost at 45. Ellsee and Shelby are in bed now. Tomorrow they should have a baby! Hooray!





10:00 AM


Something amazing happened! I woke up, and Ellsee and Shelby had a baby girl with them! Hooray! I don't know what I'm going to name her yet, but I'll think of some names as I fall asleep tonight so that when I wake up to her tomorrow, she'll be named!




So the happy little family did the beep thing where they all jump up all cheerfully, because they're all living a wonderful life. Yay! I played Long Jumper with Ellsee and we lost at 54. Sad day. But we bought out the food shop, so that's good.


2:00 PM


Ellsee and I played Long Jumper and lost at 82. We bought out most of the food shop, just not the lobster. Then we went to the park, but no one was there. Poor Ellsee's last trip to the park ever, and no one wanted to play with him! D':


4:00 PM


We played Long Jumper and lost at 18. Ehehe... Then we bought out the food shop.


6:00 PM


We played Long Jumper and lost at 62. We bought out (most of) the food shop (again). Then the happy little family took their shower! Hooray!


7:00 PM


They did the "happy-family" beep.


8:00 PM


They did that kind of nap-thing from yesterday, but then actually went to bed around 8:45. I'm so sad! This is my last day with Ellsee! I know I have his daughter now and all, but I'm really going to miss Ellsee! He may have been a poor lost cause, but he will be remembered! I'll make sure to take good care of his daughter, whatever her name will be. I hope Ellsee and Shelby have a good time in Tama-heaven! D':





I don't consider a today a "day" in my Tama-Log, but I felt the need to make a post for this day. Let me explain, because I don't think my last post was clear. I didn't pause my Tama-Go, and Ellsee didn't "technically" leave yesterday. I had my sister take care of my Tamas today because I was at a birthday party today. So yesterday was my last "day" with Ellsee although he technically lived today, and tomorrow marks my first day with his daughter. So, today technically did exist, but didn't, at the same time. Uhm... yeah. Well, today isn't ~day ten~, because I say so. So, yeah. =D Sorry for the disappointing post, but that's how it is. Today never existed~!




11:00 AM


I fell asleep before I could post yesterday's log so here it is. Ellsee's daughter began life today! Hooray! I fed her and we played Long Jumper (and lost at 55). Then we beat a game of Shuffle Shuffle! I seriously think there's a conspiracy, and that's the only game I can win. Ever. We played Shoot the Bug and lost at 40. Then we bought out the food shop. So we went to the park, but no one was there. Then, when we came back, a miracle! I got her to the toilet in time!! But of course, no training point. Boo. So we played with the baby ducks, the doll house, and the rocking horse that Ellsee bought and left for her.




12:00 PM


The new Tama and I played Construction Panel and lost on Round 2. That's a lot better than Ellsee and I did. New tradition. The baby-stage game of Construction Panels, since I hate it so much. There. Tradition carried out. Good. Moving on. The poor baby got sick and I gave her medicine, like usual. Then I got her to the toilet in time again, no training point, etc. She took her nap. Then I missed a poop... oh no. Are we going to have another "Ellsee-incident"? I hope not. We played Long Jumper and lost at 10. Fail. I got her to the toilet in time again, no training point. I wish that gave training points. Then she evolved into a Hoshitchi! Hooray! I like them. Then we played Long Jumper--lost at 13, played again, and lost at 23. Gave up. Then I missed a poop and she got a training point, and that made me super mad. I'm not even going to go into detail about how mad I was. It was a complete ragefest.




2:00 PM


I got her to the toiler in time! She got 3 training points for that! Now she has 4 total. This is going well.


3:00 PM


She beeped for no reason and got a time-out, and +1 training point. We played Long Jumper and lost twice (57, then at 42). We bought out the food shop. Then we went to the park and played with a kitty-ninja on the teeter totter.


4:00 PM


I missed a poop. But she didn't get a training point for that! So that's good!


5:00 PM


I missed a poop and it gave her a training point. Boo.


6:00 PM


She beeped for no reason and I gave her a time out. Then she got mad. Too bad. She then took her shower. We played Long Jumper and lost at first at 60, then at 92.


7:00 PM


We bought out the food shop. Then I had an epiphany. She needs to be named Madoka. So, from now on, Ellsee's daughter has a name. And it's MADOKA. So we're good now.


8:00 PM


Madoka went to bed. :3





8:00 AM


During my sleep-coma, I missed a poop. Sad day.


10:00 AM


The beginning of the hour, I was still in a sleep-coma and missed another of Madoka's poops. We played Long Jumper and lost at 94. I give up on life. Then Madoka beeped for no reason and got a time out. We played Long Jumper again and lsot at 62. We got to 6 full friendship hearts!! Hooray! So then we bought out the food shop.


11:00 AM


We played Long Jumper and lost at 7. A new record! We played again and got to 87. Good. So I took Madoka to the park and she played with a Kuchipatchi in the sandbox. Then we bought out the food shop. I stared at her screen waiting for her to poop for like ever, then I looked away for 3 seconds, and she pooped. I hate life.


12:00 PM


We played Long Jumper a couple of times. Didn't win, of course. And then Madoka evolved into a Shelltchi. That's good and all, but I find them ugly. So I can't wait until she evolves into an adult.


5:00 PM


I missed a poop. I went out driving. Oh well.


8:00 PM


That "quick trip to the store" took many hours and when I came back Madoka was nearly DEAD. But I saved her so it's okay~! Of course she pooped, and of course I missed it. I don't care anymore. Let Tamas be Tamas and poop on the floor. It's only four clicks in total to make it go away. Then we played Long Jumper 3 or 4 times in a row. We bought out the food shop one last time, and then Madoka went to bed.


Sorry for the lack of pictures today. A lot's going on in the uh. Real world. But at least I'll be posting logs. Pictures will be uploaded again, though. =D


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10:00 AM


I missed a tama-poop. Madoka beeped for no reason and got a time-out and got training points for it! Yay! Then we bought out the food shop.


12:00 PM


Played Long Jumper multiple times in a row. Then we bought out the food shop again.


1:00 PM


Madoka evolved into a Lovelytchi! Hooray!! I missed a poop before she evolved. Since then, I believe she's using the toilet... YES.


6:00 PM


Madoka took a shower!!


8:00 PM


Madoka went to bed! =D





1:00 PM


It's official. Madoka can use the toilet on her own. Thank God. This is WONDERFUL. Ellsee would be proud. His daughter has surpassed him. Uhm. Anyways, We played Long Jumper like seven times in a row and won once.




Then we bought out the food shop. Madoka beeped and got close to the screen.


4:00 PM


We won a game of Long Jumper and bought out the food shop.


6:00 PM


Madoka took a shower.


7:00 PM


Madoka did the beep-thing again. Then we bought out the food shop and she brushed her teeth.


8:00 PM


We played Long Jumper and lost at 6 and I was like no. So then we played Shuffle Shuffle and beat it. I bought her some bubbles and then she went to bed.


In case anyone is wondering about that v1 and v2 (and did I mention the v3?) that I started up days ago, well, they're doing well. The v1 and v2 had babies. The v1 is Dia and she's a teenager right now. The v2 is a child (he waited longer to have a baby in generation 1) named Chiko. My v3 is still on Generation 1 and it's an adult right now and we should be expecting the matchmaker tomorrow or the next day (but probably tomorrow). :3





10:00 AM


We played Long Jumper a couple of times and then bought out the food shop. Then Madoka beeped at me.


3:00 PM


We played Long Jumper four times and won twice. Then I bought out the food shop.


6:00 PM


Madoka took her shower.


7:00 PM


Madoka brushed her teeth.


8:00 PM


Madoka went to sleep.


I apologize for the short, boring log with no pictures - Eden Eternal Open Beta's started and I'm itching to get back on but I don't wanna /not/ post my log. xD;;





10:00 AM


Madoka and I played Long Jumper quite a few times.


3:00 PM


My keyboard broke and I couldn't continue keeping track of what went on, and then I left the house for like 3 hours this evening, but there's really nothing to say. I didn't really do anything with Madoka today. Tomorrow, we should be going to the dating place!





1:00 PM


Madoka went to the dating place and got married to a sheep-thing! Yay! Tomorrow they should be having their baby. I wonder what I'll name it? Well, then we played Long Jumper about 4 times and then bought out the food shop.


I apologize for the pathetic-ness of today's log. I'm going to a sleepover so I posted what I had because I won't be able to later. So it's not even 4 PM yet over here, but there it is. =D







Sorry guys for yet another fail-post. I had little to no computer access until 10 at night so I didn't keep a log of the times I did things with Madoka today (plus I was busy working ehehe).


So Madoka and her sheep-husband (who I hearby name Mareep--amazing, I know) did not have their baby today. It'll definetely be here tomorrow, though, so that's exciting!


Guess what guys!


My v1 and v2 both evolved into ninjas. Ehehehe... My v3 is doing well, it just evolved into a teenager today.


And I bought a v4.5 today and it's so cute and adorable and it hatched into a girl who I named "Petal" and she's doing great! =D


BUT this is Madoka's log so back to Madoka~


I'm kind of hoping Madoka has a baby girl since I'm just the type of girl who likes my Tamas to have baby girls. But, I'm good with boy or girl. Now I just have to think of what to name them!! That'll be so hard. If you have any name ideas, leave a comment on my profile!! :3


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