Calling all Future Writers!


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
You want to be a writer?



Tell us what you may be thinking of doing/writing.


Most of this forum is filled with topics about having great book ideas and other things. why not post here? >:3


Well, I've kind of been inspired by cathy cassidy. She describes her characters amazingly, she adds a hint of romance , and then a whole lot of drama filled action to spice things up.

Most of the time my ideas com from dreams I have. I had a dream about an Invisible Princess, but that idea was scrapped.

I love thinking up fantasy, romance and even comedy story's. Even if I suck at it I love it. Strangely enough the only genre I am good at is mystery and horror. Which I totally hate :(

I also get my ideas from dreams

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I'm totally a writer. I have a story idea all planned, and it's perfect. The downside is, that I don't know if I can write all of it. I can't post it here since I don't want anybody taking it. :p

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Hey Runner I'm interested1 I love hearing ideas. I'll tell you mine if you do. (It's kind of complete, just looking for a few patches and a better plot.)

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Hey Runner I'm interested1 I love hearing ideas. I'll tell you mine if you do. (It's kind of complete, just looking for a few patches and a better plot.)

Eh, I've only got the first two pages done of the story, and it really isn't much if I think about it.

Whenever Im doing normal things that I do everyday, I always have ideas of a good story idea in my head, but I never have the time to write it down or even start my own book. xD

My friends also tell me that I should start making my own manga coz they think my art is apparently awesome. I tried making one once..... Didn't turn out so well... :T I think Im just gonna wait till I have those high tech software thingies that you could make manga on than just starting on paper. :p

Is it natural that evertime I change the plot of my novel, it just get darker and darker?

I've always wanted to be an author. Children's Books, Adult's Books, Funny Books, Horror Books, Film Scripts, Picture Books, Novels, Comics, Blogs, I WANNA WRITE 'EM ALL! :lol:

I'm actually writing a few right now...

I would like to be a writer, but I'm discouraged by all the people who think they can write but don't have one original idea floating about in their heads.

I definitely want to be a writer. I'm going to write Mystery Novels (those are my answers to the Poll). Well maybe not exactly just mystery, but fantasy and mystery mixed. I want to write like Lauren St John, except a bit QUICKER! Any other Lauren St John fans, you know what I'm talking about!

I wrote a short story about bushfires for school a couple weeks ago.

My teacher think I'm ridiculously talented - even went to Mum's work and got served by her in Coles and talked to her about it. He said he hoped I got a career involving writing... :/

All that was awkward. I can't write for anything! He gave me a student of the week at assembly for it even. I HAVEN'T HAD ONE OF THEM FOR YEARS. He keeps saying its the best short story he had ever read.

Walking up to assembly listening to the teacher say 'very impressive' and 'good job' was awkward.

I am a horrible writer. He keeps making me sound like a legend or something.


I wrote a short story about bushfires for school a couple weeks ago.

My teacher think I'm ridiculously talented - even went to Mum's work and got served by her in Coles and talked to her about it. He said he hoped I got a career involving writing... :/

All that was awkward. I can't write for anything! He gave me a student of the week at assembly for it even. I HAVEN'T HAD ONE OF THEM FOR YEARS. He keeps saying its the best short story he had ever read.

Walking up to assembly listening to the teacher say 'very impressive' and 'good job' was awkward.

I am a horrible writer. He keeps making me sound like a legend or something.

Join the club. And, you don't suck, you're just average. You should read a lot and absorb all the different styles of writing until you create your own unique style. Helped me a lot, love reading.

well i get all my ideas from darren shan,chris d'lacey,heather brewer and christopher paolini

i love writting i have so many ideas i get a few from my dreams or the night sky (sound weird thats because it is )

im writing a story at the moment called the lost spirits of the ice forest ill give you a quick run though

theres a boy called sulie his dad got killed by a polar bear his mum and older brother are okay hes a loner at school one day a random girl called evanna comes and talks to him on the way home from school some thing odd happens then he gets eaten by a dragon next thing he knows hes in the middle of an ice forest with evanna a girl called dragon lass who has purple and black dragon wings black hair purple eagle eyes and almost snow white skin and her helpers jack and callum also a massive ice dragon called geicardi, three spirits ,they are the spirit of life without it nothing is born or can die the spirit of water and weather without it the rivers freeze and its snowing all the time and the spirit of heat and light without it its always night and really cold, have been kidnapped by this looney king who wants to make him self a new world just for him so the boy suile (his name means eyes in irish because his eye are icy blue ) has to be trained by dragonlass so he can help he and jack (callum just carrys there stuff) get the spirits back and kill the king yay :huh: sound good love to hear from u :huh:

ive also written a book about a vampire who gos around seeking revenge on anyone you was meen to him in his human life and killing them in the most gory and painfull ways possabile eg like making a skipping rope out of there intestines while there still alife then making then eat there own intestines yummy

and there a lot of people who want him dead so he kills them to yay :D

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