Tama-go Famine?


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Jun 12, 2012
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Somewhere on the internet
My tama-go's food shop has been sold out for 3 days now. It tama-world out of food? I've heard to do somethin' with the clock but I dunno what. I recently swiched my tama-fo's Time aroun to where it's asleep during the day and awake at night like I am. Aslo the Remodel shop has never restocked since I first relpaced the batteries long ago.

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Hmm... it might have something to do with how you've changed the time. Sometimes if you switch the time around the shop won't restock. Maybe try having it on a normal time schedule for a little bit and the shop should restock. If that still doesn't clear up the problem, it might just be a glitch where you have to do a reset and then download.

Try switching the time to the current time and just let it run for a little bit, see if the shop changes. If not, then I don't really know what's going on. It may just be some weird glitch that'll eventually clear up someday. Another way you can get food if you can't buy from the regular shop is by use of shop figures. I don't know if you have any figures, but there are certain ones you can get that have restaurants you can go to on them. You can find Tama-Go figures usually for pretty cheap on places like Amazon or E-bay, and it will usually have a description of what that figure unlocks you. Other than that, I don't really know of anything else you can do. :/

Your Tama-Go's age is messed up because messing with the clock triggers the age counting glitch, exclusive to the Tama-Go, in which, when you mess with the clock, it moves the age back to what it was at the beginning of the day. . . if that makes sense. But honestly--don't change the clock, because this age counting glitch prevents the coming of the matchmaker.

That was slightly off-topic, but anyway, I agree with CheesyNoodleTama. Just leave your Tama-Go alone for a while (you can play games, take care of Tama and stuff) and the shop should eventually change, I hope. Sorry I don't have an actual trick for this.

Hope I helped!

Edit: Also, a FAMINE on a Tamagotchi?! That ruins my whole perception of them as happy creatures in perfect worlds...

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