Do you feed your tamas specific foods?


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Jul 15, 2012
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Or does it not really matter? :p

I used to feed my tamas scones/cones because it was easy & first on the list. Now I usually feed them bread & oranges only. I feel like those are "healthy" and just makes me feel better about giving them good food. :p Sometimes I feed the characters their favorite foods if I can snag 'em in the shop.

What do you like to feed your pets? :lol:

(Btw, I have a v4.5)

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Sometimes. Although on the TamaGo... They each have a favorite food... Finding them is the fun part.

If its ot one with favorite foods, I do usually feed them what I like. Although, sometimes its what I have in inventory.

Mostly I feed them cereal or omlettes if its breakfast, a sandwich or bread for lunch, or whatever for dinner. Mostly I like feeding them something that relates to what Im eating.

Pressed the post button twice. D:

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Well I usually just feed my Tamagotchis the food that is always available, but if I have a character that I know the favorite food of, I will buy it for them. ^_^ Like when I have Mametchi, I buy omelettes for him. :D

I feed my tamas according to certain times of the day. i usually feed them before their hunger/happy hearts start to drop, but since i have 2 v3's currently running, in the morning i feed them cereal and maybe i'll buy healthy a snack from the shop, or give them an apple. then around lunch time i feed them either a scone or bread, and for a snack i usually give them an apple or pudding. around dinner time, i feed them sushi and for a snack i feed them cone or a tart. at night, i usually give them something i buy from the shop x3

This is a bit of an old post....


I usually buy food to match what food I am eating at whatever meal I'm having.

Also I match the snacks to my desserts and snacks.

I love buying-





Corn Dog


Those foods are just so appealing! lol

yeah I feed them which ever food I think they'd like

I always try my best to mix it up. I rarley ever feed them snacks and opt for the healthier and funner activity of playing games

I like to think of myself as a very good caretaker

I usually just feed them things that I think correspond with the time of day, or their favorite if I know it, but they all got special treats yesterday for Chirstmas!

[edit]: Ooh, didn't notice how old this topic was since it was so near the top of the list. My apologies! I happened to be thinking about this topic yesterday and was amused to see it existed.

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On the Tamagotchi P's, many of the meal and snack available to be fed to your character have an effect on her GUTS points. On the Tamagotchi P's there are five GUTS points categories that effect your character's personality: intelligence, style, charisma, gourmet, strength. So in answer to the question, on most models I feed whichever food happens to be available, but on the Tamagotchi P's I feed selectively, depending on which character I'm aiming to raise.

I feed my tamagotchi foods that are suitable for the time of day it is, like for breakfast, omelettes and cereal :)

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