Zachary's new blog :3


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Zachary Konreignes

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Will I update this blog regularly? Maybe. Welcome to my blog :D

Hey, you said I was going to type the first sentence!

Oops, my bad. Eheheh. Anyways, this is Kukai Souma Konreignes, the first Tamagotchi to be blogged here!

You say that like it's a compliment.

Oh shut up, Kukai. Of course, our returning character, Purge, the Shimashimatchi will be here as well!

But he left and E-mailed you that Grace Potter song...

He'll be back. He'll always be back.

Let's go ahead and do my stats before this conversation takes up the entire entry.

Oh fine, Kukai. =_=

Name: Kukai Souma Konreignes

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Character: Nonopotchi

Weight: 31 lb

Stress: 06

Tone: 95

Rhythm: 177

Original: 109

Favorite genre: Asian music

Generation: 1st

Gotchi points: 5,400p

Toy: UFO

Instrument: Boom Box

Band name: XXY

Band members: Kukai, plays the boom box, Paul (Male, Kikitchi), plays the Guitar, Thu (Female, Ichigotchi), plays the Boom Box

Alright Kukai, I'm going to give you a journal.

That stuff is for girls...

No, boys can have journals too. Now, I need you to write in this one every day for me. Okay?

Nope, not happening.

I'm not going to look inside of it. I just need you to write in it. Comprendo?

No comprendo. No habla español, uno u otro.

Fine, but take it anyways.

Great, another thing to clutter my bedroom.

Color code:

Blue is for me (jasen221).

Grey is for Purge.

Green is for Kukai.

Our star comedian, Purge, is gone for the time being. He left in the dark of the night and it doesn't look like he's coming back soon.

It's your fault for keeping him locked up in your house all the time.

It's his own fault for not realizing that he's a Tamagotchi, not a human.

He's been a human, a Tamagotchi, a median species, he probably feels like there's no place for him.

I'm sure it's just a culteral difference.

...Hetalia, I'm guessing? ._.


Ugh... Only peasants watch that show...

...You have no idea how ironic that is.

You know, you're lucky. At least you get to eat real food...

You only eat baby food because we don't have enough points for real food.

Dad. You are getting a new LAPTOP on Friday.

A laptop that I saved the money for!

I get no allowance...

That's because there's no way to convert human money into Gotchi...

Oh, that's such a good reason...

It is, thank you.

I'm just going to go listen to Eminem now.

Sure, go ahead.

**Kukai walks out of the room**

Mom and Dad told me they wanted me to have a kid that acted just like me. I hope they're happy.

I think that's the end of this entry. Sorry to end it on a sour note, haha. I have no idea how he has an MP3 player, let alone music on it... Thanks for reading! Let's hope Kukai writes in his journal tomorrow :3

Photo bin:


Kukai, jumping up for the camera haha c:

EDIT: ...ugh i hate the relationship between TamaTalk and alt codes

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I thought we were waiting to tell them that...


Okay I think they get it.



Like I give a frick.

Name: Kukai Souma Konreignes

Age: 2 years

Gender: Male

Character: Shimashimatchi

Weight: 46 lb

Stress: 00

Tone: 277

Rhythm: 469 eue

Original: 295

Favorite genre: Asian music

Generation: 1st

Gotchi points: 10,040p

Toy: UFO

Instrument: Boom Box

Band name: XXY

Band members: Kukai, plays the boom box, Paul (Male, Kuromametchi), plays the Guitar, Thu (Female, Violetchi/Furawatchi/Flowertchi), plays the Boom Box

Star ranking: 165th

Tama fans: 7,128,279

Kukai's journal:

Dad asked me to write in this stupid thing so I guess I'll go ahead and at least write something... My name is Kukai. I'm a Shimashimatchi. I've mellowed out since I was a teenager (although I'm still mean). I have been having strange sensations about other boy Tamagotchis recently. Not sure what it means. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I got pro debut in the next music sensation contest. Me and the rest of XYY are now an official band. We play our first concert tonight at 5:00 PM. I'm pretty excited about it. Paul asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner afterwards. I said yes, of course. He's pretty nice. Ew, I've written too much in this stupid journal. I'm going to end this entry here.

Ohhh boy. I sense drama in the near future.

Color code:

Blue is for me (jasen221).

Grey is for Purge.

Green is for Kukai.

Where is this Purge person?

Dunno... He'll be here though... Soon enough...

It's been over 24 hours and he's a Tamagotchi. Where can he eat?

He used to be human, don't forget.

Ugh, whatever. Are you coming to my performance?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

What if the world was actually ending and it could only be stopped if you didn't go to my performance?

Well, I guess I would stay away from the one because if I did, there would be more in the future.

Good point.

So how are you all doing?

GAAAAAAAAHHHHH- Purge! Don't sneak up on me like that...

I've been doing it for your past four blogs. Hi, random Shimashimatchi.

It's Kukai.

Who is this, Zach?

Your Mom.

No, seriously, who?

I said it's Kukai. You must be the Purge that Zach has mentioned.

I'd like to think I am.

Yes, this is Purge, the blog's only recurring character. (except me c:)

We need more recurring characters.

Nah, I think you're fine. Maybe we could have some more recurring blog bits though.

I came up with a blog bit.

Oh really? What's it called?

It's called bang the Zach on the head.


That sounds like fun.

You dare and I'll post a Justin Bieber song in the photo bin!

You wouldn't DARE!

Try me.



Ha! This is the only thing Justin Bieber is good for. Threats c:<

Crawl back into your room...

I would be IN my room typing this entry if I had my laptop.

Laptop? You mean you're getting rid of Kendra?

note: Kendra is the name of my current computer. She doesn't have any speech parts planned on this blog as of now.

Duh. She's from 2001. This new computer will be a Compaq Presario CQ57-489WM.

Fancy! When do you think it'll be here?

At the soonest... Probably a week.

What's its name?


Everycat... Strange name...


...Kukai, I am NOT afraid of putting JB down there.

Hah! That's what she said!

I wouldn't be proud of that if I were you.


Crawl back into your Tama, the entry's almost over.

No way! This is too much fun!

Purge, please describe my wrath to Kukai...

His wrath is really bad. I experienced it once. Let's just say that's how I was deformed into a Tamagotchi.


**Kukai goes back into his Tama**

Ha, wow... That's some lie you told right there.

Well, it worked.

That's the end of this entry, haha! Hopefully Kukai doesn't get too scared from what Purge said. Byezzz! :3

Photo bin:


Him and that UFO haha.


One of his rare smiling moments c:



Don't mess with me. I am brutal.

Now I know where I got it from.

That's right. We're both total meanies. xD

Hey people :3 ZACH IS HERE.

Where's Kukai?

Out to lunch with Paul.

Ah. Him and Paul seem to be getting pretty close... If you know wait I mean o_o

I wouldn't expect that... Is there any fan mail today?

Just checked, there isn't.

**singing** Just gonna stand there and watch my blog...

Don't do that.

Name: Kukai Souma Konreignes

Age: 3 years

Gender: Male

Character: Shimashimatchi

Weight: 30 lb

Stress: 04

Tone: 567

Rhythm: 763

Original: 554

Favorite genre: Asian music

Generation: 1st

Gotchi points: 509,200p

Toy: UFO

Instrument: Boom Box

Band name: XYY

Band members: Kukai, plays the boom box, Paul (Male, Kuromametchi), plays the Guitar, Thu (Female, Violetchi/Furawatchi/Flowertchi), plays the Boom Box

Star ranking: 2nd

Tama fans: 257,322,721 (+250,194,442 from last entry)

Kukai's journal:

Paul and me have been getting strangely close lately. Last night, me and him were cuddling after our date- I mean friendly dinner. XYY has been getting very good ratings. People like our style of dance and the strange, unique ways Paul plays the guitar. I shouldn't be too surprised though. Zach's been saying that we're gonna get big ever since I got the band together. I got 500,000p today from Guitartchi, which was less than I expected. Tonight though, it'll be different. Tonight, we'll get the award.

Color code:

Blue is for me (jasen221).

Grey is for Purge.

Green is for Kukai.

Orange is for Paul.

Violet is for Thu.

Dude, our performance from last night is airing on TV!

"The band, XYY, is gaining popularity rapidly as they advance in the path to Stardom! What awaits these fearless musicians next? They are going to preform the number one hit of Tamagotchi Town: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift!"

Wait. What.

I suggested it :3

Thu! We've never even tried to practice that song!

Well, too bad. I had to go through a lot to set up that song.

I'm backing Kukai up here. How could you?

Look, it's the number one hit single of this month! People will love it!

I'm not playing that *bleep* on my guitar. Excuse Paul's French but he has a point o_o

You two always agree on everything! Why can't I decide something for once?

Well... I guess...

Is it because I'm a GIRL?

No, it's not that... I just-

You know what, whatever. We're playing it tonight, there's nothing you can do about it.

Well, I'm not showing up.

Nor am I.

You two are... Ugh! I am sick of being the third wheel!

Okay, okay, break it up. Kukai, Paul, you two don't really have a choice whether or not you want to perform to this.


But nothing. Thu, you should of contacted Kukai and Paul before making this decision.

I knew they wouldn't agree so...

So you lied.

Fine... I'm sorry...

I guess we really do have no choice but to play the song...

Taylor Swift herself is going to be there, it says.

wait wat

Look at the TV.

"Famous pop star Taylor Swift is going to be in the performance, singing her number one hit with Kukai and the others!"


I'm going to smack some sense into that lady...

If you do, she'll kick your butt!

Not likely. I'm a Kuromametchi. You don't mess with Kuromametchi.

Teehee. He's right, you know.

"Tee-hee"? Puh-leeze. You have GOT to be kidding me.

What do you mean?

You always act so weird when you're around him...

I've never noticed it.

Well... I guess I kind of do.

Why? Why do you do that?

How am I supposed to know?

All I can say is, that if you were even the least bit more weird than you are now, I'd think you and him were gay for each other.

Would that be a problem?

Well... I'd want to know if it did happen...

I-It's not like that... Please stop accusing me of it.



I love you.

I... What?

I'll give you some time to think about that.

**Paul leaves the room**

Well, that was a shocker.

I need some time alone...

Sure thing, Kukai.

Seeing as Kukai is going through some serious emotional stress, we're going to go ahead and end this entry here. I'll post here later to tell everyone how this all turns out! c:

Photo bin:


Kukai and his band :3

EDIT: I've been saying XXY this entire time when it was really XYY! o_o

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Name: Kukai Souma Konreignes

Age: 3 years

Gender: Male

Character: Shimashimatchi

Weight: 30 lb

Stress: 01

Tone: 615

Rhythm: 835

Original: 656

Favorite genre: Asian music

Generation: 1st

Gotchi points: 509,200p

Toy: UFO

Instrument: Boom Box

Band name: XYY

Band members: Kukai, plays the boom box, Paul (Male, Kuromametchi), plays the Guitar, Thu (Female, Violetchi/Furawatchi/Flowertchi), plays the Boom Box

Star ranking: 1st

Tama fans: 397,578,369 (+147,383,927 from last entry)

We got the gold!

Yup, we're so getting paid tomorrow!

Isn't there another announcement to be made? c:

Oh, yeah...

Me and Kukai are now dating! <3


Just checking in with you guys to tell you all this. :3

You two are so cute together!

Dang straight.

Kukai's amazing performance is in the video embedded below~

This isn't the one that got them the gold, it's actually the one afterwards. But I'll be sure to do a playback so you can all see Kukai's performance!

And since the romance between Kukai and Paul started, we've been getting a lot of publicity!

Everything turned out well in the end. c:

This isn't the last you'll see of Kukai Souma Konreignes, though.

It also isn't the last I'll see of you.

Now Kukai must advance into an entire new world of challenges, with drama awaiting him at every turn. Will his romance with Paul last? How will they balance their life with their jobs? And is that the sound of a baby Tamagotchi hatching from an egg I hear? Stay here and find out!

For special background info and looks into the futures of Kukai and the others, drop me a fan mail! Your fan mail will be published on to the blog* and you'll get some juicy info on what's going to happen in the next entry!

* Fanmail will not be published provided it is hateful or against the rules.


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