What Tamagotchi would you purchase with a budget of $50?


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2011
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Cold house
So, what Tamagotchi would you purchase with a budget of $50?

It can be any type of Tama but no unnamed brands and such, only Bandai please. :D

That's hard to say...I looked at your profile, and I don't think you have a V6 Music Star, yet? I *love* the V6, but it does require a bit more maintenance to get the best care/music awards.

You've already got an iD L, so maybe look for a Plus Color on sale? That's the one I want next, and you could connect it to your iD L. It can be hard to find them on sale, but once in a while you do see one a bit cheap.

Definitely take your time and don't purchase on a whim! You'll want to make sure you're satisfied with your purchase. :wacko:

I wrote a post and then decided I'll just type based off of personal preference. I have nearly every release so far minus maybe 5ish.

SO, if I had $50 to spend on a Tamagotchi, I'd prioritize like this:

Umino (another)


ID L (another)

I would say



or a few at once that are a little cheaper:

V5.5 combined with a V4 and i think that i could even combine that with a V3, or almost :p lol.

I've always found Angelgotch to be too boring and easy :(

And the two Japanese ones I have seem to have "lag" with input. As in, I press a button, wait a second, and then it will register. Was a huge let down D: Although good if you don't enjoy paying a ton of attention to your Tama.

A few Morinos just went for like $16 + $7 shipping, though. I'd vouch for that.. but far superior remains the Umino ;)

(I love needy Tamas, and insanely satisfying when you finally get an adult)

I'd likely prioritize the money for getting a second Tamago or an ID L.

Tamago's are very cheap in Australia. I got mine for $8 :)

I hate my Tamago ;-;

It's been just over 24 hours, and I'm so done with it. Blaaaah.

Just for collection purposes, atm.


But it's just my opinion.

I would buy any vintage tama for it, or an entama/uratama... any japanese tama, really.

hmm if you dont have a tamagotchi p...get that one. Rather wait a little bit more, save $15 more and get a P. It seems awesome.. (i will have one one day :)

A v4.5 Puzzling Pieces and another music star, two in fact, Scarlet Rhythm and Rock City this time. Not sure how much they would cost these days so idk if $50 is too much or too little but whatevs.

Maybe a v1 and a v3 to complete your connection family? :p

I've always found Angelgotch to be too boring and easy :(

And the two Japanese ones I have seem to have "lag" with input. As in, I press a button, wait a second, and then it will register. Was a huge let down D: Although good if you don't enjoy paying a ton of attention to your Tama.
happens with english ones too ^^ It's just the way they are

As for me, with 50$ i'd buy another v 4.5 (my absolute favorite.... I never have enough) but the red butterfly one... <3

edit : I think i'm going to buy one tonight héhéhéhéhé

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i'd either buy a music star, a morino, or a ID L. i love them all, and i've never had any color or vintage tamas before, so it'd be a cool experience :3

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