Big Announcement from Pokemon! Pokemon X and Pokemon Y!


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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2012
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New games set to release in October 2013


Yes! It looks so neat! Pokemon really needed a overhaul, the top down perspective was nice but I've always wanted to explore the world more, this seems like a big step in the right direction. Also with them making the game more 3D maybe it will inspire them to finally make a pokemon MMO!

Aww. Crap. Does this require... Upgrading my original DS? Nooooouuuu... This saddens me greatly. I knew it was a matter of time... I don't want to upgrade yet, boo.

Looks cool though. I am liking the foxfire cutie.

I like how it appears all three starters will be dual typed.

Fennekin uses a Psychic type move, Froakie uses a Fighting type move and Chespin uses a dark type move, suggesting that these Pokemon also have those types. What makes this interesting is that this effectively creates another Paper-Scissors-Rock situation between the starters, but in reverse order.

here's a link with more information stuff lol https://bulbanews.bul...and_Y_announced

my favorite


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The new characters are ugly AND they have ridiculous names!
Ridiculous names? Lel, you're thinking of Gen V/IV. The names so far in this generation are simple and to the point with the starters, with more "epic" names for the Legendaries

New Pokemon are ugly? Again, you're thinking of Gen V, look at these beauties.



The designs shown so far are great. I'm not saying they all will be, but if you're going to try and claim that the designs are bad when only five Pokemon (all of which most people agree look great) you should just leave.

Probably a troll, but whatever.

I haven't looked much deeper then the long video here... But it does spark an intrest. Its amazing how far pokemon has come. Basic greayscale and some green from the actual gameboy. To BAM here... have some amazing graphics! From growing up with all the versions, this is just amazing growth for the game and the Gameboy/Nintendo systems. (If it came out on Wii, it is possible since its 3D, I would buy it for the Wii for sure)

I might consider a 3Ds... I see a purple one in a store and its not as much as I thought. New, pretty... Humm. i know the 3D can be turned down. you can play regular DS games too right? I figure so. My Original Blue is just holding on...

I have to say I really do like the look of some of the gen 6 pokemon, I'll definitely buy it, and since it's in 3D, even better. I'm hoping all the pokemon that are gen 6 will look better than gen 5, as I honestly thought they weren't great, there was the odd few pokemon that I actually liked the look of (don't judge me, but I think Tepig is quite cute). I'm looking forward to it, and those who aren't sure, I'd say just give it a try, nothing bad will happen :)

I have to say I really do like the look of some of the gen 6 pokemon, I'll definitely buy it, and since it's in 3D, even better. I'm hoping all the pokemon that are gen 6 will look better than gen 5, as I honestly thought they weren't great, there was the odd few pokemon that I actually liked the look of (don't judge me, but I think Tepig is quite cute). I'm looking forward to it, and those who aren't sure, I'd say just give it a try, nothing bad will happen :)
No one's judging you, yes Tepig is quite cute, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder or something like that lol yeah some new pokemon look weird but you get used to it, change is good. I mean gen 5 wasn't that bad and gen 6 will be even better ^ _ ^
a 3D pokemon game... looks to me like Nintendo wants pokemon fans to buy a 3DS and THEN buy X or Y. the male character looks like the on from Pokemon Black. still im not complaining i love pokemon as much as the people above me

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