Detective Anpan part 5


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2013
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Under your bed with the boogyman!
Kuro and Anpan arrived at Makiko's house and rang the doorbell. The door slowly opened. Makiko peeped out. She immediately shut the door.

"Oh no," she mummered, " They've found me out!" She quakes in fear, obviously not knowing what to do.

Suddenly ,she had an idea she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan.

Meanwhile, outside...

"I've got an idea! Stand back, Kuro!" Anpan screeched as he roundhouse kicked the door down.

He turned towards Kuro. "See?" he chuckled. Then, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He crumpled to his knees. Kuro stared in shock and looked up to find Makiko staring viciously at him.

Anpan woke up to find a bright light shining in his face.

" Look, he's coming to!" said a voice. Anpan heard hurried foot steps.

" Ugh," he groaned, "Where am I?"

"Mametchi!" said a familiar voice. He looked up to find his sister staring him in the face.

"Chama!" Anpan squealed in delight, "You're alive!"

"Shhhh," cooed Chama, "You're going to be okay."

"But how- " Chama cut Anpan off.

" Ma and Pa knew of Makiko's plans," explained Chama, "They cloned me with your cloning device and put my clone in my room. I, on the other hand, was at a friend's house the whole time."

"What happened to me?" Anpan asked, examining the scars and bandages all over him.

"After Makiko knocked you out she shut the door on me, dragging you inside," came Kuro's voice from the corner, "I have no idea what she did to you in there, but after I called the police, she dangled your lifeless, bloody body out the window and told me that she knew Chama was still alive and would this you out the window if I refused to marry her. She was jealous of Chama. Jus as I was a out to give up and say yes, the police arrived. A look of horror spread across Makiko's face, but then turn into a smile as she threw you out the window. I tried to catch you, but you landed so that you were involuntarily doing the splits. You're lucky that you're still alive, Mametchi."

"Makiko-" he started.

"Don't worry," interrupted Chama, " She's behind bars now."

"Mametchi! You have a visitor!" called the nurse. In walked Pero.

"Will give you to some time alone," whispered Chama, ushering Kuro out the door.

"Kuro," said Chama, "You're sweet and all, but I really have a thing for Kikichi. I'm sorry." Chama kissed Kuro on the cheek and disappeared down the hall.

Pero walked up to the bed and sat down on the side of it. " You look horrible," she smiled at Anpan.

"Well, thank you, Captain Obvious," he laughed darkly as he leaned forward to kiss Pero. He winced and sank back down.

"Here," said Pero as she propped him up on her lap and kissed him. They made out for a few minutes, then laughed together about the messes they get their selves into.

-The End!-​

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