Hiding Tamagotchis... At work!


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kuchipatchi love

Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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New Zealand
I know a lot of TTers are still in school, and the "how to hide tamagotchis at school" will be a lot more appropriate, but a lot of us (including me) have left school and are now working.

I work in a frozen yoghurt place that's quite popular in my country. I know some people may have desk jobs and that would make it easy for them to hide their tamas under the desk, but I am constantly on my feet and moving around. Here's some tips about how to hide your tamas at work if you work with food:

  • if you have an apron with a pocket, use it. You won't be able to hide a Tama-Go or an ID in your apron because of the size but connections and vintages work just fine.
  • If you're a lady, hide your tama in your bra. When you go to the bathroom you'll be able to check it. If you're a guy try to hide your tama in your pants pockets.
  • If you don't care what your coworkers think and you aren't working in mcdonalds where there is little or no spare bench space, just put your tama in a cup on the bench, but make absolutely sure your coworkers aren't going to fill it with water!

Well, those are my tips. Please feel free to add any you think of! :wub:

I work in fast food. The only Tamagotchi I carry literally everywhere is my Music Star. It's not too big and not as expensive as my ID-L or P's.

I attached my V6 to a chain and wear it as a necklace constantly. I probably would stash it in my bra, but I also constantly have my Pokewalker on me and that's his spot.

At a previous job, I used to stash my ID-L in my labcoat pocket.

i used to work at a very strict call centre. we weren't allowed to have anything at our desks and were always trying to find ways around that rule. if i was wearing a sweater, i'd usually hide my Tamagotchi in my sleeve when supervisors weren't around and play with it under my desk. i've also hidden them in my bra and on one occasion, in my sock.

Yeah I used to keep my tamas in my school jumper sleeve, never got found out. It was great. We can't wear jackets at my work though, but wearing it as a necklace is a great idea, because I have dog tags (my fiance got them for me on our anniversary last year :3). I just started my music star too!

The method with the bra is really crazy XD I would never came up with this idea. but it's cool when it works ;)

I always put my Tamas in a crochet-pouch for work and carry it around me in a bag or a pocket on my clothes.

When you choose your bra, you can put them in your shoes/boots as well or wearing a small money belt (maybe under the shirt/blouse, when you have to wear an uniform or business suit)

I keep my P's in my sweatshirt pocket and check them on breaks and lunch. I never take anything but an adult with me though because they can go many hours without needing played with. I sneak food to them if need be though. So Fridays after work I mate my adult and raise it over weekend. Then come Monday I go to work, they go to school or work. I don't feel much need to hide them at work because I go to my car each break period to care for them. I will admit with my previous adult I had him evolve on Monday and I ran to washroom to make sure everything was in order for me to get Spacetchi. Lol

Thankfully I don't have to hide it where I work but if I did have to most likely put them in pants pocket xD

I work in a department store with a business casual dress code.. I'm a sales floor associate and there are quite a few cameras every where to help us catch shop lifters.. does anyone have any ideas on how I could carry mine without getting caught? Ideas are much appreciated. ♥

I work on a horse farm. I could probably check on my tamas when I'm alone in one of the horse stalls. I don't want to drop them in horse poop, so I usually leave them at home. On the other hand, all my coworkers know I have them, so it's not a big deal unless it interferes with work. I generally mate my colors on Friday afternoon so they're adults by Monday.

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one time i was running my v4.5, and it was a toddler so i couldnt leave it at home while i was at school, so i wore sweat pants that day, taped it to my ankle so i could put one leg over the other with my foot facing like the opposite direction, and i could just pull up my pant leg and take care of it and nobody would notice, except the people next to me... hehe. xD

I just lost my post as I was submitting it :(

It mostly boiled down to: I currently keep mine in my pockets, but I just ordered a phone case that goes on your belt that is big enough for two (vintage tamagotchi and vintage digimon). But I only go in to work about one Day a week, since most of my job is accomplished remotely (Network Administrator) for a local nonprofit.

When I'm teaching I leave both in the car, but I tend to take care of the one on my phone when we're on break (Tamagotchi L.I.F.E.).

I'm sure my wife would love it If I tried the bra trick >.>

I work at a call centre for a well know Mobile Phone network. Were not allowed our mobile phones, data sticks, laptops or anything of the kind by our work stations due to data protection.

Cut to me playing with my IDL the other month between calls when the floor manager came over and asked if I was aware of the rules. I told her I was and quite innocently asked why. Apparently the IDL is a security risk.

Not played with it quite so openly since but it did get me wondering. Wouldn't it make a pretty awesome spy movie if instead of using a USB someone had Government secrets hidden on a Tamagotchi P's pierce piece. LOL, imagine Mark Wahlberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt trying to infiltrate 'Operation Mametchi'

I used to work in a cafe where I was alone all day and it was mostly quiet, so I usually had a Tamagotchi in my apron or behind the register to keep me company!

I now work in a much busier place, where I have no opportunity to check on them other than a half an hour break. I tend to keep them in my pockets (we don't have a uniform) if I think they will be okay with at least 4 hours of inattention, otherwise I leave them in my car with the clock on SET mode.

I have heard about this "P's Tamagotchis go to work and you do not need to care for them for several hours" however I am unsure how this works. It seems ideal for my situation!

I have a rather odd working situation where I work for 3 different companies depending on the day. Monday to Tuesday I work with a lovely lady whom I love and we get on so well. I've told her about my interest in tamagotchi and she's excited for me to bring my Ps in on Mondays and Tuesdays providing it's muted. And provided it doesn't stop me from working.

Wednesday to Friday I work in an office. On Wednesday I work in a shared office so the tamagotchi is a no go there. Into the bag you stay. Until lunch hour. But Thursday Friday I have my own office. So no problems there. I'll soon have my own office on Wednesday too. Whoo!

Every first Monday of every month I work for the Community Council but it is purely minute taking (typing everything people are saying at the meeting then typing it up neatly and summarising points) so the tamagotchi is just a no go at all there. Not even in a bag.

I also minute take for the first job but it's generally short meetings so I can care for the tamagotchi on the walk home.

I work as a cashier and basically any sort of distraction is very much off limits, unfortunately.

As much as I would love to carry one in a pocket, there's not really a way I could fiddle with one during my shift unless I want to get in some major trouble :c

I just leave my pets paused at home because nothing ever seems to go wrong until I leave them unpaused during work.

My tama almost died last time I tried to take it ;o;

I drive a school bus, so I keep mine in its little coin purse in my purse when driving. I take care of it and play with it between runs (2 hours). My co-workers think it's kinda cool, and some have had them as kids.

I work in hospitals and we aren't really supposed to have anything non-work related on the floor. Luckily most of the hospitals aren't that fussed as long as you don't cause trouble so unless I'm working an extra long shift I generally have to put mine in a plastic glove, in my scrubs pocket. Then I just get it out when I'm on my own somewhere in the ward or in the bathroom to give it a quick check. It's worked so far but I haven't chanced taking some of my needier pets in.

If people ask I usually just tell them it's a little clock I use for observations etc and they accept it.

Where there's a will there's always a way :3

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