Why do you love tamagotchi?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2012
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The question does sound a little blunt but..... What is it about tamagotchi that you love so much and made you want more? :D

Well for me, I love how its like a little creature in a little home that you need to look after. You can name him and feed him and watch him grow! I guess I just loved the idea of have a little pet you could take anywhere and every where ^_^

So what about you guys? ^_^

Well, the reason I loved Tamagotchi in the first place was because of the character Mametchi. :p I wasn't really keen on a virtual pet but I gradually began to love Tamagotchi and, with the help of the amazing anime series, Tamagotchi is my favorite thing ever! <3

When I was younger, I liked the challenge of getting different characters and taking the best care of my tama. Having them with me all the time became like having a constant little companion, and I've loved them ever since. The first one I can remember absolutely loving and never being apart from was my Angelgotchi back in the 90s. The Angelgotchi led me to start collecting when I discovered Ebay as well, it was the first thing I bought. When the first Connections were released, I knew I was hooked for life. I find it very difficult to NOT have any tamas running, and I usually end up having 4-6 running at the same time.

I love how portable they are, you can have games and a good friend always! I find it difficult to communicate with other people sometimes, but I always feel comfortable with my Tamagotchis. I also love to take care of things, so I end up getting a lot of good care characters.

Originally I wanted one because I played with my friends v3 and I thought they were fun and really cool as they were pets but now I really love them because they are cute.

The pet care essence has gone to me and now I love them nearly because I like dressing them up and collecting them really cute characters are appealing to me hence one of the many reasons lovelitchi is one of my favourite characters

I love them because when I got my first one my grandad said "if you don't like it I'll take it back and sell it." So I read the instructions and learnt how to do it and hatched 3 characters (it was a v5) my grandad said "do you want it ?" I couldn't let him take my baby's away so i said "yes I do" and ever since he's bought me all 22 of mine that I have now ;)

Well, I discovered tamagotchis back in 2012 ( pretty recent, I know :p ) because my friend told me she got a a tama-go for her birthday, I asked her what is it. She told me its a tamagotchi and told me to search it up in google. I did, and I ended up finding some expensive tamagotchi's so I wasn't really into them yet. Then in 2013, I was bored so I decided to search up tamagotchi in the net and found some reviews on it on youtube. Immediately I knew I just HAD to get one! So I decided to try out the tama-go and I pleaded my parents to get it ( we did not know about tamagotchis ) so I got my first tama and I LOVE IT!

I love the tamagotchi because, it is just soo much fun! There is no toy ( yes, NO TOY) in the world that could break the hours of fun I have with my tamagotchi!

Its just a different concept of toys.....its digital, lovable and most of all portable to carry around everywhere! Thats why I love the tamagotchi and Im so glad I found out about them :)

THE END ( lolz)

I had one way back in 96 and was hooked instantly. I played with that one for almost 4 years straight until it got stolen. I actually cried when it happened too. So after that for the longest time I didn't have one until they released the connections and I got every shell I liked at that time. I even got a lime green + Color. But unfortunately due to an end to a terrible 8 year relationship I had to surrender my entire collection. That was almost 2 years ago now. Every day I missed my + Color. I wish I hadn't left it. But then I started looking to buy it again (the one I had) I came across the p's and bam! I had to have it. They used to make me feel like I had a friend when I was a kid as I was picked on lots. But now it's more my hobby. I don't plan on getting anything past the P's though.

To be honest, I'm not sure... Tamagotchis were just always fun for me and I always liked games where you can raise pets (surprisingly, I'm not that much of an animal fan. Not saying I don't like animals, I'm just not like "ANIMALS!!!!111!!!111 24/7 like some people are...). I started collecting them because there were so many fun versions and I always wanted a bigger collection than everyone else.

Well, idk, I simply enjoy them. Being able to raise a T-Rex that can fit in your pocket is quite awesome, isn't it? :D
Besides, it all started when I was 4 and got my first vpet. I've always had one since then and started actually collecting them about 7 years ago. And I kinda got used to them. <3 And I want my collection to get bigger and bigger.
And also because I never could and still can't have anything bigger in my apartment, than a hamster... ;P

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I like the concept of an electronic pet you can take anywhere. And I like things with general robot/AI theme. Artificial life and things like that.

I've always loved portable electronics as well as games that play in real-time. I also enjoy things that simulate companionship (idk why lol)

so tamagotchis were sort of a perfect fit for me! :p

since im little, im always very fond of miniature, small cute things, when i first discovered tamas back in 2005 , i immediately asked my mom to let me have one(i was 5 lol) then the tama craze in me kinda died a little since elementary school started and i dont have much time to visit the toy store after school. in 2011 one summer afternoon, i found a cheap v5 in a local toy store, and thats how i started to fiddle with these mini portable friends ;) im 14 now but idc i just love them and no one can possibly make me hate them lol (i still sneak them to school omg)

idk i mean the fandom is pretty nice and there's barely any drama. i remember seeing the commercial for TamaGo and i wanted one so bad i did about 3567825 chores in one day just to earn 20 bucks. when i got one i wanted to turn it off and also i broke my first one by throwing it on the ground when i couldn't make it poop because i wanted to see it pooping in that ducky potty lel

This topic reminds me I've been playing with Tamagotchi's for over 15 years now... I've always loved these little guys... guess it was the combination of having a cute companion you could take anywhere since they literally fit in your pocket, the appealing designs themselves, as well as how stress-free they really were. As long as you took good care of them they could go on living peacefully. Besides the characters are adorable to begin with and they really feel like real little friends sometimes. xP

ohhhh i never thought about this. i just think tamas are so cute and the toy was all the rage when it was made. the fact that you get certain characters based on how well you take care of your pet, the amount of cool shell designs there are, its nostalgic value, its collectibility. its a distraction in a way, and yet an added responsibility thats not too hard to watch over. like a video game replacement.

Sorry but could it be point form?

1.I love Tamagotchis because first it build up my childhood,

2. It is very important in my life.

3.It taught me about life too,

4. It helped me feel better when I am sad.

5. It plays with me while I am alone.

6, It is fun to play with and I swear it will never make you bored.

7. It could make anything boring interesting.

Thats all for now, I once came out a lot forgot all :p

I don't know really. I just bought my first one on a whim, just to see what all the ruckus about them was.. Then I got hooked, and bought most versions as they were released. They're fun to play, and gives me something to do when I'm super bored or stressed out of my skull.

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I agree with what's been posted already, especially in terms of having a constant companion. I used to do a lot of stuff/go places alone a lot (ie. long bus trips to college) and it was nice to have something to keep me occupied. :)

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