Uh,is this fake


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Jan 3, 2014
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I found a really cheap original tamagotchi and I think it might be too good to be true.Its japanese so the packaging might be different.

www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bandai-Original-TamaGotchi-Clear-Blue-Yellow-Virtual-Pet-Game-1996-1997-New-/131081935682?pt=Electronic_Battery_Windup_Toys_US&hash=item1e85179b42.Type that in and you will get there.sorry its so long

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no you have to type in that thing at the end.

Or you could look for it on ebay I typed in original tamagotchi and its £24.32 cent

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Back on topic, it looks pretty legit to me.

It's legit. The box is the american one. It's just opened if you don't seem to get it.

Seems like a normal price for a P1 too, I've seen cheaper.

I've seen used ones in that packaging go for way under $10.

It's legit. The box is the american one. It's just opened if you don't seem to get it.
Nope, it's a japanese box. Look at the additional pics. This english language version was released in june 1997 in Japan.

Are you sure, Professor? I believe this is an American release. The Japanese vintages were released in resealable bubble packaging with the insert cards as far as I can tell.

Maybe it's a Hong Kong version, then?

No, the one that is referred to as the "Hong Kong"-Version looks like the "regular" japanese P1s and came in a similar looking packaging that said "Tamagotchi" instead of "Tamagotch" and "© Bandai 1997" in the bottom left corner instead of "© Bandai 1996 - Made in China" or "© Bandai 1997 - Made in China". It has English menues.

Are you sure, Professor? I believe this is an American release. The Japanese vintages were released in resealable bubble packaging with the insert cards as far as I can tell.
No, this is a Japanese release of the English language version. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https://tamagotch.channel.or.jp/tamagotch/tamcol/tamcol1/tamcol1.htm&usg=ALkJrhhNwh6VgPq2HCSJd73Puzxp9kXSCg

The American release had no japanese text on the back of the box.

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