stuff you regret doing to/doing with your tamas?


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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
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Hi guys! :D

There already was a topic on this, but it got closed. So i thought i could maybe get it alive again!

As the title explains, here you can talk about stuff you did to/did with your tamas you regret now.

The thing i regret doing to my tamas is this:

I got clay and wanted to make tamagotchi holders out of them, i first had to put the clay in the right shape for it to be a holder (duh).

I turned the clay into ball, put a tama in a bag and then pushed it in the clay (with the tama in the bag, no clay can get to the tama)

It was surprisingly harder than i thought to make a tamagotchi holder and i got sick of putting my tama in a bag after a while, so i took it out.

I used my angelgotchi for this, btw. So i put it out of the bag to make it easier to make an "imprint" of the tama in the clay. Now my angel has a bit of blue clay on it, including the smalll, white, crack-shaped plastic right next to the screen and the paint. As if that wasn't enough, i decided to go scratch off the clay on the paint and now it has a bit of paint off. All of this is minor, and you don't really notice, but i still regret being so dumb and doing this with my angelgotchi.

What's your story? :)

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I regret throwing away all my Tamas and other V-Pets when I was really little simply because their batteries ran out. I did that with any toy that ran out of batteries; I just assumed it was broken. In total I think I threw away 2 Nano Puppies, a Nano Fighter, 5 different Giga Pets, a Digimon, and 3 P1/P2s. :(

Used the wrong type of displex on tamas the touch screen one so my v5 has a massive scratch on the screen

My iD L Spacy's heart has a scratch!! I should've been more careful... ;_; (yeah, call me paranoid... even the littlest damage to one of my tamas worries me so much! The scratch is hardly noticeable... :p )

I read somewhere that to protect the design on your tamagotchi you should paint it with clear nail polish... I did, and the nail polish smudged the design. Don't do this!

It is a shame to hear about your stories, everyone! Okay, so here's mine, I think this was my first Tama it was a Pink V2 with white stripes on it? (I was about 6)!! So, one day, I decided to go make myself a Milo (chocolate milk drink thing) I put a spoon in the cup, then placed it onto the table and sat on the chair with my Tama in one of my hands and the other, a spoon scooping up the chocolate drink. I was playing with my tama and veered my hand holding the tama directly ontop of the cup which was still full of milk! All of a sudden, the tama slipped out of my hand and PLOP! It fell into the drink!!! NOOOOO! I think I was crying ad freaking out at that time because if my mum found out she would be super mad at me and my tama+drink were ruined :< So I picked up the tama from the cup and I knew it was dead! I went outside to the garbage bin to throw it out but I noticed the symbol which had a stickman throwing something into a garbage can with a cross going through it!! So, I went to the garden to burry it up! I don't know what happened to it afterwards because we lived in an apartment and one of the cleaners may have picked it up! I wish I could have taken care old my old tamas properly and I woukd still have them by now... I thought I would grow out of them and lose interest! But not me! :D

I regret not watching a vid on how to open the back of the Ps as now there's a tiny little scuff/crack next to the hole. It's tiny but because it happened as soon as I got it I was pretty annoyed with my self.

YAY YOU REMADE MY TOPIC THX :D i regret breaking all my tamas by accident like trying to debug/redecorate or whatever cause I couldve sold them if I didnt break them :(
you're welcome! :D

also, another thing i regret: putting my v4.5 and all other tamas into a bow with rubbish in it. My v4.5 got a minor scratch, but it still annoys me, now it doesn't anymore, though. But i could have avoided it, so yeah :p

I've thankfully never done worse to my Tamagotchis than drop one occasionally, however I did wash my Pokéwalker in the laundry once! I was mortified when I was taking my clothes out and I saw it lying in the bottom of the washer. Fortunately, it dried out nicely, and still works just fine.

I already stated in the old topic that I regret washing my V4 and making the buttons go crazy. I also regret leaving my Tama-Go on the table because my dog chewed of the lovely chain that attaches the figure top to the Tama-Go. ._.

I guess I also regret not taking care of my P's properly because it has a lot of scratches on it. I'm hoping to get some Displex soon.

I regret thinking that my old first Tamagotchi (I think it was the 1st generation? It was a really cool see through blue litterally got it when they first came out) was meant to be used like a keychain as well as a virtual pet and i put it on my school bag and it got stolen. My sister then rubbed in my face that she still had hers for like 3 weeks and I was so sad my mum took us on a special shopping trip just to get me a new one, however my sister also got a new one and she ended up with 2 and I may have been a little jealous and tried to hide them around her room so when they beeped for attention she couldn't find them and it would drive her nuts lol ah sisterly love

The only bad thing I regret doing was leaving my Uratama hanging from the rear-view mirror in my truck on a hot day. Luckily. I had parked in the shade, so the little guy was fine. It was only out there for an hour or two. That's really the only thing I ever did.

My biggest regret was randomly deciding to down-size my collection over the years :(

I have given about 9 Tamagotchis to Goodwill over the years, and probably lost about one or two. I really liked the designs of the ones I gave away, too! I really miss my constellations V3, my globe v4.5 and my cotton candy V5 -_-

I regret leaving my Tamagotchi in the car while I was at a friend's house.

Even though it ended up evolving, I regret not taking PERFECT care of it!

After my V2 that was on its 17th generation unpaused and died while I was at school, I was so upset that I threw it away. I could kick myself for doing that, because now that I want a tamagotchi again I have to buy it on a website!

i regret throwing away my old tamas when they didnt work at first when a new battery was put in. only years later did i realize that it could more than one try to get it working again.

another thing i regret was dropping my v1 on the ground and killing it. it created this mark on the screen where the only way i can describe it was like black jelly.

Not really Tama abuse: I regret giving my very first tamagotchi away to the good will. Wish I kept it now. -_-

Also not a Tama, but I recently used too long of a screw on my Penpy Penguin and it scratched the circuit board, which resulted in 2 rows of pixels being deleted. Now I feel stupid and mad at myself. :(

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