Lovetchi's Lazy Log (Yay for Added Alliterative Appeal!)


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Mar 27, 2016
Reaction score
In whatever world I want to be.
Hey, look! That new girl no one knows is making a log!

Well, I am...but I'm sorry to say there will be no pictures. Don't grieve, though--you do not want to see my attempts at taking pictures. :p Instead, my quirkiness will hopefully make up for that.

At the moment, I am running my V4 and my Music Star (which are the only two I have right now oops).

June 22, 2016


As usual, Mariah the Mimitchi was the early riser, while James the Gourmetchi opted to sleep in. But, on the bright side, shortly after waking up, he brushed his teeth like a good little sandwich.

For fifteen minutes.

Without having eaten anything.

Maybe he was still trying to get rid of the taste of the cake he found in the ground yesterday.

Mariah may have been crushed by her band still not getting their pro debut yesterday (stupid Gulasantchi Cowell), but she didn't let it get her down for long. She got right on to practicing her singing, for which she was given a good praising.

She also got a love letter in the mail! Oooh, Mariah, could you have a secret admirer?

After her practice, she went shopping for breakfast, before remembering she couldn't hold any more food. Maybe she should eat more.


That's all for now. Join us later in the day, and we'll see if anything else interesting has happened!

Current stats:


Name: James

Character: Gourmetchi

Training: 7

Skill Points: 6 Intellectual, 112 Artistic, 9 Social

Age: 2

Weight: 19 lbs

Gender: Male

Generation: 5

Gotchi: 685

Music Star

Name: Mariah

Character: Mimitchi

Age: 4

Weight: 25 lbs

Skill: 376 Tone, 571 Rhythm, 640 Originality

Gender: Female

Generation: 3

Gotchi: 4,215,210

Star Ranking: 999th

Tama Fans: 35,608

June 22, 2016 (cont.)


I am very proud to announce that this afternoon, Mariah and her band retried their pro debut audition...and they passed! :D Now they're...#10 on the charts?! When did that happen?!

We owe it to Mariah. She practiced diligently all morning, rehearsing with her band a couple times. It's only fair that she should get rewarded for all her hard I gave her some praise and a little time to play with her favorite doll.

She got a present from the king! A...potted plant. It grew up to the sky, looking to find her...a skull! Eek! That's not a good prize! :eek:

James is an awfully moody little Tamagotchi. First he was calling to me for no reason, then later he burst into tears...again, for no reason. Maybe I should get him some Tamagotchi therapy... Or maybe I should get myself some

He did a lot of dancing, to varying degrees of success, in order to rack up those Artistic points. I decided not to send him to school today, though. If I get the summer off, why shouldn't he?

The shop was having a sale today! He wanted to buy a remote-control UFO, but it was still too expensive. I told him he should start saving up...but then he just bought himself some cherries and forgot about the whole thing. :p (You know what would be a great way to earn money? It starts with T and ends with amaTown. Not that I'm trying to make a point or anything.)


I'll probably only do one entry per day (if that) from now on. If you just happen to be reading, I hope you're enjoying my log!

Current stats:


Name: James

Character: Gourmetchi

Training: 9

Skill Points: 6 Intellectual, 125 Artistic, 9 Social

Age: 2

Weight: 19 lbs

Gender: Male

Generation: 5

Gotchi: 970

Music Star

Name: Mariah

Character: Mimitchi

Age: 4

Weight: 25 lbs

Skill: 430 Tone, 701 Rhythm, 686 Originality

Gender: Female

Generation: 3

Gotchi: 4,225,210

Star Ranking: 6th

Tama Fans: 43,210,526

What?! An update?! Is what I'm sure people would be asking if they even knew about this log.

Sorry. My birthday happened, three vacations happened... I forgot about my Tamas for a while. Perhaps I will be able to update more consistently now...or perhaps not. We'll see.

August 22, 2016


Today started off with a bit of a skirmish as James' battery ran down. Luckily, I was able to get it replaced, and now all is right with the world. Once he was up and running again, he got some money from the king! He was so happy that he ran straight to the dance floor.

He's already got more than enough artistic points to get himself a job in the future, and yet he's still racking them up! He even went to school! I guess it's hard to have summer vacation when you grow up in a matter of days.

While her brother was able to turn his day around, Mariah hasn't been having the best day, sadly. She started off by getting some hate mail--an envelope filled with poo! :p I know Glitter was a mistake, but that's harsh.

She went off to rehearse with her band, but the unresponsive buttons got the best of us, and it didn't go too well. She was convinced there must be something wrong with her, and she spent a long time practicing. I gave her praise in between her sessions, but after a while, she started to look really tired. I let her play with her doll for a bit, and she seemed to be doing better. Don't worry, Mariah! It's not your fault!

On the bright side, she bought a new car with all that money she's got. ^_^


Current stats:


Name: James

Character: Gourmetchi

Training: 9

Skill Points: 6 Intellectual, 132 Artistic, 9 Social

Age: 2

Weight: 19 lbs

Gender: Male

Generation: 5

Gotchi: 1,420

Music Star

Name: Mariah

Character: Mimitchi

Age: 5

Weight: 29 lbs

Skill: 448 Tone, 804 Rhythm, 734 Originality

Gender: Female

Generation: 3

Gotchi: 4,200,210

Star Ranking: 6th

Tama Fans: 54,017,977
