Older Tamagotchi apps question


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Feb 23, 2018
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Hi everyone I'm pretty new here but I have a question/proposal. So I have the apk for angelgotchi and devilgotchi Android apps. Devilgotchi works with the netmite manager. Angelgotchi doesn't work at all. Does anyone know how to get angelgotchi working on Android 7+. If not I have a decent grasp of programming and would be willing to bring both apps to the level of functionality of the classic app that is still available on the play store,if that is even a possibiliy once the apks are unpacked. Any input or help would be cool

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You mean the old Java games? I remember the Devilgotchi one working on my old phone back when I used it and Angel not as well, no idea what the problem is. Would be cool if you could make them work.

The devilgotchi Java works but I'd wanna update it to where it's a native android app and can send push notifications and the like. The angelgotchi im talking about is the life android app that was removed from the store. I can't seem to get it to run. So I was wondering if anyone has been able to on Android nougat or above. If not I would try to rework that one as well

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