tama logs!


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2005
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california-surfs up!
I have 2 tamas- one is a starry case one is a hearts case. both of them are v2. their names are cream and soda (heh heh) both of them are teens. right now since cream and soda are in bed, Ill explain their lives. cream i got 2-3 days ago and he is a ringotchi. he is a fat tama but oh well. soda, who came from my old tama, is my 5th gen. and an oniontchi. they are good friends. cream and soda were winers today and asked for 2 timeouts and 3 praises. when they become adults i will writwe again- like tomorrow.

[SIZE=14pt]I notice that soda (the plant) goes close up to say hi a lot, almost four times more than gunjerotchi! and she is doing it right now![/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]they have four hearts for each other in the friends part. ill have tamababies soon! :) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]I am going to call the babies LEMON and LIME and name the babies after that after sodas untill i think of something else (get it?) and they are giving nonstop presents. the most common ones are ice cream and cake. on my hearts tama the baby will be 6th generation, on the stars it will be 2nd gen. [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]My best friend gave me the hearts tama for my bday and i got the blue one myself. (october)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]i will write again when something interesting happens.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=21pt]OMG i bought soda a ufo and we went to new york, mt rushmore, and egypt!!! thats sooo cool it was worth 5000 gp! [/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]and ill give it to cream and we will trade back and forth! thats so cool :D :) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]I also saw hawaii in the ufo![/SIZE]I think that ive been on for like 5 hours! Anyway pm me if u have any questions about cream and soda. ill be getting tamas for xmas so i will soon have a lot of updates coming!

bye for now,

cream soda. :)

[SIZE=14pt]my tamas had babies today. i didnt see the whole thing because the sound was on and my dad got mad and took them away, he gave them back after. i got a pair of boys! I took them on the ufo and they went, all four of them, to different places.[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]The tamababies are within 30 seconds of each other, for pooping and stuff.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]yesterday i was too sad to type (and my mom was using the good laptop and i had to use the desktop which automaticly goes to sleep if you stay in more than one place for 2 min.) but i started again, cause the parents left, and i started at the same time. they were very cute and they pooped and got sick at the same time. it was really cute. i got my toddlers yesterday too! i was happy then! since i took perfect care of the pair of boys i had gotten from cream and soda.[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]i got a kuribotchi and a kinokmotchi! i named them lemon and lime like i said i would. and while i was connecting the battery ran out! now there is this big X on lemons screen, if i can download i will, *sniff* but they wont be twins any more![/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]but thats okay, (no it really isnt) i just feel miserable.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=21pt] lemon's battery change went okay, i wanted to check out his "inner workings" but im too lazy and tired. he is still a kuribotchi, he will be a teen tomorrow. i hope i dont get another hanatchi.... theyre un bearable, i didnt ever mistreat them too!im slightly happier but i really am hoping for the best possible teen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]kuribotchi hasnt changed yet, and now hes in bed... tried another go at the blue case tama (lime)but i needed the right size screwdriver.... one was to small and the next size too big!!! lemon will change in the morning. for now im still hoping for tamas for christmas... since its the only thing i wished for im bound to get at least 1... this log will get very interesting...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]id like to share this log with my friend, since its her email i busted into to make this freakin account. anyway, as soon as i get back to school ill ask her if she would like to help me!! her tama was last a masketchi, and i didnt like it very much, because it looked weird. it came from a marutchi and then an oniontchi. if she will help me then well pick out our different colors and it would be fun (wonder if she wished for tamas for christmas)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]im sorry that im ranting on so much but i really hafta talk to other people, so my log will become more interesting, if u can pm me and tell me if its a good idea. or if im crazy. but if 3 part logs sound too weird for u tell me also... my life could use some interesting stuff right now![/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]my kuribotchi was awake for about 2 minets, and then when i next looked back there was an ichigotchi there! im glad i didnt get another hinatchi, what a relief! lemon looks quite strange now. there is a loop in his movements, ive noticed. [/SIZE] :rolleyes:

[SIZE=14pt]lime (the hinatchi) is full on traning because i gave him his praise when he was sad this morning. 25 lbs, 2 years old, and generation 2.[/SIZE]

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