Stranded Tamagotchi Chapter 4


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Oct 1, 2006
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If you haven't read chapter 1, 2 and 3 look for them!

Crisi was watching a movie in her hotel room when the phone rang. She rushed to find the remote and press "pause" and then picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hello, Crisi Third-generation? This is the travel agency."

"Yes..." said Crisi with anticipation.

"I have some bad news. I've researched for hours and determined that it is impossible for a Tamagotchi to go back to their egg home once they have left for good. I'm terribly sorry. I did all I could."

Crsi's heart sunk. "Oh, well, thanks anyway." she said, hoping she sounded more carefree than she felt.

"But I do have some good news." said the clerk. "I have booked a flight for you to go to Tama World. Does the day after tommorow work for you? It's the only flight I could arrange."

Crisi gasped. The day after tommorow? Would that be enough time to see Gigi again? She regained her composure. "Yes, that would be great."

"Alright then, come by to pick up your tickets." The phone beeped as the clerk hung up.

Crisi would go tell everyone in town that if they saw Gigi, send her here, just in case the mayor hadn't. That was the only thing she could think of to do. Crisi turned the movie back on and plopped down on the bed.

The next day, after Crisi had notified everyone about Gigi she ate lunch at the food court. 24 hours until my plane trip. she thought. Hopefully this wasn't all in vain.

Look for chapter 5!
