Tama Adventure


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
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United States, Texas
Oh, how mimitchilover wanted revenge! Now she knew her teacher would get very mad if her tamagotchi was ever seen again. She looked down at the innocent memetchi gazing back at her.

"When you multiply decimals, it is very important to remember to always..."

It was the next day. Mr. TamaSquash was talking as usual about decimals. It would lead up to....

"Now when I was a lad, we had to each eat asparagus 4 times a day. To change that to a denominator of 10 multiply 2.5 by 4. So we ate asparagus...."

You get the idea.

At the end of the week report cards came home. Mimitchilover opened her report card. It read:

Reading: 97

Comments: This only counts for when she is reading tomotchi manuals.

Math: 95

Comments: This only counts when she adds the numbers of her tomotchis.

Spelling: 93

Comments: This only counts when she is spelling tomotchi names.

Science: 98

Comments: This only counts when she d-buggs her tomotchis.


Overall comments: Tomotchis are evil eggs. If she brings it in ever again she will be expelled.

What? He spelled tamagotchi and debug wrong! Oh no, she was so dead! But wait! She had a plan in mind....

Next chapter comes out starting May 11: The plan!


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