Ichiroid: The iD L[og]


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The time has finally come to send her to the Matchmaker. She fell in love with Kikitchi, partly because they have the same forehead shape. :p


And a new baby girl Momoirotchi is born!


Shortly after Giragiratchi left her baby in my hands, I decided to take her to a stroll in the park to familiarize herself with the surroundings.

There we met Terulin and had a small talk with her.


"I'm Terulin. How's things? What are you thinking of? Well... mind if you tell me what it is?"

Before going to bed, she managed to evolved into Rolutchi! She looks so... edible hahaha! I love cakes pretty much! :D


Since I can't go with Maisutatchi, I thought of going with Uwasatchi first then work my way up.

Thanks for tuning in, everyone! Let's see how things will unfold in the next few days. :)

YAY for 400 views! Huge hugs to you guys for your efforts to stay up and reading!

My Futagotenshi on my Angelgotchi is 11 tama-years today. It's the longest tama I've ever kept. :D

Anyone who has beaten my record yet? :)

Rolutchi woke up and evolved into a Hineonetchi. She looks cute but her colour is somewhat weird.

We went to the garden to harvest the seed we planted yesterday, and we got a pink momo (dumpling).


Nothing much is going on earlier today, but since I'm aiming for Uwasatchi, I deliberately did some care misses.

I hated doing it, but it's the only way to get all the Tamatomos. So I decided to go with the poorer-care characters first then work my way up.

Things started to feel weird because after about two care misses...


With all her Hunger bowls empty, she started dancing around with those hearts floating above her head.

It totally freaked me out! Is this actually normal?

Uwasatchi was the worst-care character on Hineonetchi's line, so I gave her as many care misses as I can.

However, one of them had gone wrong because I was on a staff meeting this afternoon and I came back to her in such a dreadful state...


Poor little thing! :(

Good thing I caught up in the nick of time. The ambulance arrived earlier than expected and she was rolled into the emergency room for her treatment.

Had I been away for a few seconds longer, she might not have made it. :(


While we wait for Hineonetchi to gain consciousness, I just thought we'd turn the pages back and glimpse on my past generations which was not covered by this log.

Gen 1 - Mametchi


I got Mametchi on my first generation. I really, really loved this guy. It's just bad that I started the iD L with zero funds so I couldn't spoil him that much, but he understood.

I'm really missing him, so maybe after a few generations more I may opt to have him again. :)

Gen 2 - Kuromametchi


I got Kuromametchi unexpectedly by experimenting with care misses on Hanikamitchi. Turns out he was just as cool as his father. I might also opt to have him back in the near future.

He may not be as adorable as Mametchi, but he's got all the coolness only others could dream of...


Oh, there she is!


I was so happy to have her back. I was paying extra close attention to her this time. After a few more care misses, I fed her until all her hunger meters are full before she went to bed.

Here's hoping for Uwasatchi!

Special shoutouts go to FelazingAround, kuchipatchi.is.blue55 and repeat_offender for all your feedbacks!

I'm having a crappy day today in real life but thanks to you guys that your messages somehow brightens me up. :)

It was a scary day yesterday, but our care misses paid off because she now has evolved into Uwasatchi! :D

A dirty one, though... so I had to take her to the shower for a dip.


Oh! And it seems like it's somebody's birthday again! Guess who?


This was the second time I'm having a character who's celebrating their birthday (with Madonnatchi being the first)!

I don't know any single birthdays so these two coincidences are mind-boggling! :D

Since it's her special day, I took her to the Henshinjo to get dressed up!


"Oh, you have a mic with you --- OK!"

And she turned into a Reporepouwasatchi. She was so ecstatic with her new outfit that she came towards me and said...


"Ichiro, mind if I conduct an interview?"

Okay, so we went to the park, but sadly no one was there. So instead of being lonely, I suggested she adopt a pet.

We came into a Puchiberitchi and it liked her! :D


And that completes my 10 pets! :D Too bad there's no special reward or unlock, though.

Anyway, before I close today's episode, I came across this little discovery:

The iD L's money limit is actually 99,999 GPs. Once you reach 99,999, it will stay there and you will not earn any more. It's sad but I think 99,999 is more than enough for one to go out spending.

I just thought I'd share the information to everyone.


So how did I earn that much? I'm on my 10th generation, and I usually play games to increase the Happy meter and as much as possible I'd stay away from snacks.

The next generation's going to be really lucky, as they will have plenty of GPs to splurge on. :p

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My Futagotenshi has already left for Tamagotchi Planet shoftly after they turned 12. Too bad the cute little Kuriten didn't make it to the 15th Anniversary iD L.

It was a great run, but maybe I'll tab this one up for now.


Anyway, going back to the iD L, we are expecting the last Happy Symbol today, so while waiting we visited one of her grandfathers for an early lunch.


It's Kuromametchi! It's great to see him again, and this time he's actually helping me feed my current character. The number of characters that I wanted to have back is increasing!

Reporepouwasatchi's graduation time has come, for her last last Happy Symbol finally came.


She was so ecstatic to go to the Dating Place to meet her future lover. She fell head over heels on Kuchipatchi!


I never realized how cute Kuchipatchi looked like in colour! I'm soooo going to go for him soon! :D

After a brief courting, they finally got married. And Reporepouwasatchi gave birth to her baby...


It's a boy! Nittobotchi is actually my favourite baby character. Isn't he cute with that baby blue shade and that adorable little hat? :)


He evolved into Fruitspantchi after an hour. Since we've got a boy now, maybe it's time for Mission Maisutatchi! ;)

Bring it on!

100 new views in 5 days! It's great to know everyone's enjoying their time dropping by.

Whoever voted a 5-star rating for my log, thank you very much! It's hard to make an entertaining log, but you guys make it all worthy. :)

Fruitspantchi evolved into Bokuhoshitchi the next day. It was another lousy day, but that didn't stop us from doing a bit of gardening work.


After we tended to the garden, I started up the green iD L again for the 30 connections needed to get Maisutatchi.

Coincidentally, the green iD L (Kaubotchi) has evolved into Hanikamitchi which is also a teen! And since we'll be connecting them to each other, this is going to be interesting!


A bit of tama-bonding took place. It was a happy day for both of them.

Shortly after Hanikamitchi went home, he received a letter from Bokuhoshitchi.


"How are you? I've been itching to play! I'll play with you again, I promise! - Ichiro"


Bokuhoshitchi went outside for a sniff of fresh air before going to bed.

(to be continued)

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The next morning, the green iD L has evolved into Maisutatchi first!

This makes sense, because it has been a teen for a longer time. It is also an indication that Mission Maisutatchi is a success!

And since it will be the last special character unlock, before I pack up the green iD L for good, he visited Bokuhoshitchi for the last time.


"Hey, I'm your future self." LOL

And sure enough...


No wonder this one's one of the popular Tamagotchi characters, he's also cute! :D

The first thing we did was to work on his happy items, and then we visited the French Home Remodelling guy.


"Bonjour! Which room design do you like?"

From Paris, we switched the theme to a neighbouring city...



It's still raining outside, but it's the typical British weather, so Maisutatchi wasn't at all affected.

We closed the day playing outside... British style! :)


"Ichiro, let's play together!"

Two five star votes! I love you, guys! :D

I've had Maisutatchi for a day, but it's kind of weird to see that the Dating Place is still not available. It's not that I wanted to send him to graduation already since we don't have all of his happy symbols yet, but hopefully it should be available tomorrow.

Anyway, I woke up this morning with a big, nasty surprise from Maisutatchi himself. And I thought that crazy "tradition" had already run its course...


Apparently not! :p

I love how these little creatures make me laugh. And it didn't end there. Guess where he had his breakfast?


I can clearly see Maidotchi trying hard not to giggle at our little one's craziness!

Upon reaching home, my stomach was already aching because of my nonstop giggle fit with his goggles, so I asked him to have mercy on me and change into something else.


Now that's better. Royalty at its finest!

Next stop is lunch. His Royal Highness joined one of his forefathers for lunch.


Translation: "Got it; I'll do my best cooking!"

Okay, I'm going to stop myself right here from emphasizing how much I love (and miss) Mametchi. But he's reaaaaally cute! :p

They shared the warm soup and spent the rest of the day chatting and catching up with one another.

On the way home, we stopped by at the park for him to adopt a pet of his choice.


Translation: "What's up?"

He chose Hapihapitchi because he wanted a pet that can actually hold a conversation. Good choice.

He's due for his fourth happy symbol tomorrow. :)

Wow, 4 votes! I wish I could find out who voted, so I could give you all a big tama-hug! ;)

I'm planning to hatch the Angelgotchi in my phone because I missed the coloured version of Kuriten, so expect a guest Tama for the next few days. :)

This morning, we woke up and checked the latest downloads, and the Space wallpaper fascinated His Royal Highness. And since we have the Royal Budget for it...


Isn't it beautiful? I mean, most of the download wallpapers are way too girly for my tastes. The Tama Planet on the window view is a very nice touch!

We also harvested a snack item from the seed that we have planted. It seemed like Hapihapitchi likes it because it was jumping with joy!


I was busy in the morning because I was on a meeting again, so I missed the call time for the final happy symbol.

It was not only after a few hours later when I checked my notebook to see that he has already stamped his picture on it.


Wow, time really flies fast. Aw, I don't want him to go yet but I know that there are much more bigger things waiting for him out there.

I made him promise that he'll come back soon and then I sent him on his way to "graduation".


Translation: "I've been waiting for everyone! Now let me introduce them to you."

The lovely Watawatatchi caught the eye of His Highness. They went for a brief date shortly and soon enough they got married.


Maisutatchi's wife then gave birth to an adorable Choribotchi!

He loves his little princess very much that he asked me to take care of her the same way I did while I was raising him.

We did a pinkie-promise and soon he has left to ascend to His throne, leaving the little one in my hands.


This is going to be a tricky one, because Royal babies are usually well-behaved and tend to stay put at home and play alone in a corner, but this one has got the neighbours' hearts!


She evolved into a Paletchi after an hour of intensive care.


I just watched a Tamagotchi anime episode I stumbled upon in YouTube entitled "Battle On! The Great Donut Contest!" and it's the first time I actually saw these tama characters talk.

Furawatchi was hilarious and cute at the same time... and not to mention she's got a cool Henshinjo transformation, so I thought I'd raise her to be a Furawatchi. ;)

Thanks for reading, guys! Stay tuned for Mission Furawatchi! ;)

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Before we continue with what's going on inside the Ichiroid house, let's give Orandatchi a very warm welcome! ;)

Say hello to our new guest in the house, the Angelgotchi! I hatched the little one in parallel with Mission Furawatchi.

The Angel characters look really cute in colour! :D The thing with Angelgotchis is that they are not extremely demanding (except for the baby stage, of course) so it's safe to take care for it with the iD L.


Obaketchi evolved into a Maruten after about an hour and a few minutes. I never knew Maruten was pink. At first I thought it was sick or something.

Going back to the house, Paletchi has evolved into Sabosabotchi. It's the first time I got this teen girl and she looks adorable!


I spent the rest of the day giving her as many care misses as I could, and good thing that she only went as far as getting sick once and no lethal effects on her.

And surely, on the very next day... awww, isn't she the cute one? I could still plainly recall her high-pitched voice on that donut anime episode and I'm starting to think that I'm hearing her giggle each time I'd ask her to come up closer for a picture.


Finally! A beautiful, sunny day! We ran for the closet and she put on her favourite hat and flung herself outside to play with the gang again.


We went to the park afterwards and we came across this cellphone character and she had a funny conversation with Furawatchi.


Rough Translation: "Nachuratchi's camera flash is shining when it's pounding. I find it interesting!"

(to be continued)

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The Angelgotchi is waving hello as it evolves the next day into a Kodoten!


Shortly after being exhausted from playing all morning, I was about to take Furawatchi to the Bakery for a quick bite when I got this surprise:


Translation: "Change the batteries!"

So the batteries gave up on me after about 4 weeks. Not bad, considering I almost drained the batteries during the missions Herotchi, Madonnatchi, Giragiratchi and Maisutatchi.

Good thing I was about to head out for lunch outside, so I dropped by a convenience store and bought a new pair of batteries.


Translation: "Welcome! I made fresh bread for everyone!"

A few hours later, we had our lunch because her Hunger bowls are depleting. At this point in time I was somewhat absent-minded and I forgot that she's already an adult so I fed her a bowl of rice. She was not amused.



Before the day ended, I took her to the Henshinjo for her to get dressed up.


If Furawatchi is not cute enough, then how about this?


I sooo wanted to pinch her cheeks. :p


Translation: "Ichiro, I want to eat some snacks."

She'll be due for her last Happy Symbol tomorrow. And since tomorrow is July 1st, she'll be having a chance to meet up with the Eco Guys again, but I'm somewhat concerned about it because I'm attending a local festive activity here tomorrow for Canada Day.

Anyway, we'll see what happens then.

Thanks for reading and see you next episode! ;)

Special thanks to webster04 and FullBlownWitch for your kind messages and tips!

Now let's go check on our guest. He evolved into...


...a Ginjirotenshi! I thought I'd missed out on him already because I already got Kodoten, but because I was completely busy with Canada Day yesterday that I accidentally forgot about him.

Kodoten got sick once and he ended up being a Ginjirotenshi. Isn't he cute? :D I like it when he turns around and shows his behind. :p

Going back to Furawatchi, it's July 1st so we headed down Donuts Park and met the Eco Guys.

She was expecting to get a new item ----- but for some reason the Eco Guys gave her another... Eco Fork. O_O

Anyway, it didn't take long before graduation bells rang.


She's our 11th Tamatomo, so that means one more to go for Melodyland to unlock.

We went outside to have a small pep talk and of course, to thank her for being a nice Tama and finally, send her on her way to the Matchmaker.


It was love at first sight with Peintotchi the Artist.


And we have another baby girl. :D

She evolved into Paletchi again. I'm thinking of getting Pichipitchi this time.

Anyway, I tried to check out those download letter items, and here's one from a Mametchi letter and I'll translate this one for you guys.


"Hi, Mametchi here! On July 19th, it's Kuromametchi's birthday! Please make sure to greet him on that day."

It's interesting to see that Kuromametchi's birthday is close to mine. :D

Before the day ended, Paletchi went to bed and I went to check up on our cute little guest as well.


OMG I started laughing. He actually sleeps with his mouth wide open. That gave me a laugh.

I would like to apologize for the inconsistent quality of the footage from today's episode. I was outside all day because of today's events and I could only take pictures whenever I got the chance.

Thanks for tuning in, everyone! Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians out there. Did you guys enjoyed your local fireworks last night? ;)

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I've noticed that some of my subscribers' logs are getting better and better!

I must see what those secret ingredients that they use! ;)

Nothing much happened to our cute guest, other than the fact that he got sick today, but he only caught a minor case of cold so it was dealt with in no time.


Being sick doesn't make him less adorable.

Going back into Paletchi, she evolved into Sabosabotchi; and the next day --- Pichipitchi! :D


I switched to the submarine background so that it would match her character.

For some reason, we started receiving letters from Maisutatchi (my green iD L) all day!


Translation: "How are you? I've been itching to play! Let's play together again sometime, promise? - Akio"

Pichipitchi was attracted to the gentleman next door, so she asked me to dress her up because she intended to invite him over.


Translation: "Ichiro, I want to get dressed!"

I dressed her up with a tiara to make her look more attractive and she immediately wrote a letter back to Maisutatchi.

She's expecting him to come over later today so she practiced (nervously) her instrument while waiting for the doorbell to ring.


And there he is! She did her best to become a good host and it looks like they're looking great together!


"Enchanté, Mademoiselle!"

I smell a budding love story.

Now let me talk to you, my audience --- on Pichipitchi's graduation, are you in favour of Maisutatchi courting her?

Voice them out! Let me hear your lovely voices, people! ;)

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Before I post a new episode tonight, I'd like to announce a new member and possibly a potential feature for this log soon, as this gem arrived in my desk this morning ---


The Tamagotchi iD L 15th Anniversary version! I chose the Royal Purple one because it's the least girliest of the two colours, the other being pink.

I won this baby off a sweet deal from eBay! eBay sellers usually sell this 15A iD L for about $100-150 but I only got it for $69!

I usually don't have luck when it comes to bidding so the support I got from you TamaTalkers helped a lot!

I might hatch this one once we complete all 32 TamaTomos for my white iD L. ;)

Question: I'd think I wanted to have a crochet cover for this one (preferably black) to cover up the purple colour (the gray faceplate would pose no problems) as purple and pink really isn't the colour I fancy. Does anyone here still make one? I can pay through Paypal and I'm from Canada. Please PM me! Thanks! :D

As a preview for our next episode - Pichipitchi's graduation and her fairy tale love story with Maisutatchi! Stay tuned! :)

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As the saying goes, nothing is permanent. After 9 tama-years, Ginjirotenshi's graduation has come.

He was hesitant at first and he was sobbing because he would miss his stay, but I assured him that he will be fine and then he went on his way.


Going back to Pichipitchi, well... the crazy tradition continues up to this very day! :p


For lunch we dropped by her grandfather Herotchi's place. While eating, she enjoyed Herotchi's stories and his conquests!


She then asked me how fastfood is like in land, because she was raised underwater.

We stopped at a nearby fastfood chain on the way home so that she could taste (and see) what a hamburger is. She loved it until the very last bite!


The moment we got home, an orange seal awaits us at the doorstep.


With that, she is our 12th TamaTomo. Melody Land has officially opened!


Translation: "Welcome to Melody Land!"

(to be continued next post, stay tuned!)

Along with the Melody Land comes a new icon background set!


I like this one, it looks more clean and sleek!

Now that it's time for her graduation, we did the usual talk outside since it is a lovely afternoon.


She confessed her love for Maisutatchi. I (along with you guys) thought that they were a great match, so I gave her my blessing.

The very next day, Maisutatchi proposed to her and without any hesitation, she said "yes".


They were wed in a lavish ceremony. Sorry for the blurred picture, things happen pretty quickly and I couldn't afford to miss this shot!

Later on Pichipitchi gave birth to lovely twin boys!



I tabbed up the green iD L again and began to take care of Pichipitchi's baby boy.

As a boy, he's pretty much active and spent the rest of the day playing with the neighbours.


It was a lovely night, and the little one expressed his interest for star-gazing.


Shortly that night before going to bed, he evolved into a Nannokitchi. Wow, I haven't had this toddler in a while!


I'm thinking of getting Gozarutchi this time.

Thanks for tuning in, guys! As for the new 15th Anniversary iD L, I've wanted to hatch it already, but my schedule does not permit me to take care of more than 1 Tama, so I'll intend to hatch it once we're done with the 32 iD L Tamatomos.

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Here's a big shout-out to Choco Monkey! Thanks for the support and kind words! ;)

Nannokitchi evolved into Bokuhoshitchi the next day. His teen stage wasn't as busy as the previous generations, but we did get the Melody Charm from Melody Land. It took us two trips there to get it.


Then during the nightfall, he grew up into Gozarutchi! :D


I never took any liking to this character before as he's always been portrayed as a bad care character, but after seeing him on a few anime clips online I softened up to him and thought he wasn't so bad after all.

We started working on his happy items the minute he became accustomed to his newly-evolved form.


Funny how a ninja would fancy wearing an afro, but he's just being his usual jolly self.

And since we're in the dressing room, I shared him the stories of his crazy grandparents and before I could say another word...


Very lovely, Gozarutchi. :p

I had to ask him to take it off before I go on a laughing fit again, and I put out the samurai hat and gave it to him to our trip to the Henshinjo.


He loved his new get-up so much that he's already into character the moment we got home.

After a few minutes ninja stars started flying across the room and I had to duck under the table for my own safety. :p


I'm still somewhat hiding at this very moment as he's still busy playing as The Last Samurai, but I did not intend to stop him.

It's already 9:26 PM and we've got about half an hour until he gets tired and finally hits the sack. ;)

Let's see how chaotic the house will be for the next few days!

Are you guys still up? :)

After The House of Flying Daggers, he still has enough energy not to go to bed, so I suggested we take a walk in the park to purposely "tire" the little one so he would go to bed.

He was delighted to come across a sharp-looking but highly-tamed Shurikentchi. I could not say no, for it suits him so well!


It was cloudy early next morning so it somewhat affected our moods. I was too lazy to cook breakfast for him so we went over to one of his forefathers for a heavy breakfast.


Translation: "Leave it to me! I'll do the cooking!"

It's Kuromametchi! Oh look at them both. In one way or another, Kuromametchi did resemble a ninja and they both looked like an awesome pair!

The skies cleared out later today, and our yesterday's plant died :( so we did a bit of gardening to beautify the surroundings.


And then he recalled how messy the house was due to yesterday's mess so he volunteered to sweep the living room. Isn't he the sweet one?

As a reward for this good deed I took him to the Cafe to treat him to a nice cup of latte.


Two-House Special!

Starting today, the green iD L will make a comeback! This is for me to get used to babysitting more than 1 Tama at the same time because I'm intending to hatch my 15th Anniversary on the week of my birthday, which is two weeks from now.

Beginning from here, we will refer to the main house as the White House while the other one will be the Green House

Gozarutchi will be graduating shortly, so expect a continuation for the next few minutes! Also, we'll then introduce you to the inhabitant of the Green House, which is the previously-hatched baby by Pichipitchi and Maisutatchi.

Get to know more about our new housemate shortly! ;)

Stay tuned! :D

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Let's re-open the doors of the Green House!

The Green House is inhabited by a cute little Yurapatchi, the son of Maisutatchi (and technically, Gozarutchi's twin brother).


I carried the little baby into my arms and we dropped by the White House to introduce him to his now grownup twin brother, Gozarutchi.

Gozarutchi was so delighted to see him, that he gave him a hug and happily told him that he'll be having a new playmate on the way.


Shortly after going back to the Green House, Yurapatchi evolved into a Kaubotchi!


By 7 PM, we already have seen the Green House go lights-out for Kaubotchi's bedtime, while the White House is still alive with Gozarutchi listening to the nightly Top Ten on the radio.


After the radio show and a light dinner, the fourth seal has arrived.


With that, I thanked him for being such a nice Tama and we finally made our way to the Matchmaker.

He then proposed to a bedazzled Lovelitchi and soon gave birth to a healthy baby girl.


She evolved into a Rolutchi after an hour and immediately went to bed afterwards.

I'm planning to get Nachuratchi, the camera girl this time, while I'm targeting Kuromametchi for our little boy.

Now both houses have fallen silent, as a new day is waiting tomorrow for our two houses.


Good night... and sleep tight, little ones. :)

Thanks for tuning in!

How do you guys find our new concept? Hope I'm not getting everyone confused here, now that we're following the lives of two households. ;)

8 votes? Wow! What would this log become if it isn't for you guys? :)

And so it begins...

I was at the gym this morning doing my usual cardio, until after my hour-long session I brought them out of my locker and these greeted me good morning:


Two dirty toddlers! LOL and if that's not enough, they were running around like crazy, challenging me to chase after them. I was so tired from my cardio but I had no choice but to run across the two houses to grab these little rascals and send them off to baths.

They were so chaotic that they became dirty again after a few minutes, so even though I'm on the bus I had to take them both out and well... send them to the baths again.

It's only 8 in the morning but I'm already poofed up!


Taking a bath... in the bus xD

I had to deal with two toddlers that kept on beeping at me throughout the rest of the day. I remembered that I'm targeting two specific characters with different care methods, and my brain couldn't handle them all at the same time with my workload.

I even have to use a Post-It note to "tally" the number of care misses I'm giving these little ones.

Other than that, I was somehow successful in keeping them distracted for the entire morning.


Lunch time!

*sigh* I wish there's a way to change each iD L's attention beep. Every time they beep I had to check up on both to see who is calling and who is not! xD


The afternoon was kind of weird, it started raining on the Green House, while it is a nice afternoon in the White House.

I'm still busy with work, so my credit goes to the lovely and fluffy Mimitchi to keep the little ones occupied in the afternoon while I deal with work.


I have no idea how she cloned herself to be in two Houses at the same time, but I guess it's some form of sorcery I have yet to learn.

(For Harry Potter fans - did you think that these two are the Space Twins and they just had to drink a Polyjuice Potion for them to turn into Mimitchis?)

I did not give a care miss to Kaubotchi because I need to get Hanikamitchi for Kuromametchi, while I made sure I gave two care misses for Rolutchi to get Hineonitchi.


In the late afternoon, all that we can hear from the Green House was the sound of the vacuum cleaner, because Kaubotchi started (playing with the vacuum cleaner) cleaning the living room. I asked him if he's sure of what he's doing, but apparently he couldn't hear me through the noise. LOL

It wasn't quiet on the White House either, for someone's having a house party. Well, at least the house is clean.

Since Kaubotchi is a few hours older than Rolutchi, he was the one who evolved first.


Tomorrow, he needs to get two care misses for Kuromametchi.

And finally, 7 PM struck. It was a looooooong day.


Am I the only one who finds Rolutchi's sleeping position kind of funny? She's so... flat. Hahahaha!

She's due for an evolution first thing tomorrow morning.

Whew! Hopefully these two won't be distracting me too much tomorrow, as they're starting to grow up.

Be good, kids. ;)

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10 votes! This is overwhelming guys! Can I give you all a hug? :)

Special holler to TAMAGIRL2008 for the mention and all the appreciative comments. Hope you get your camera working with your tamas.

Also, thank you to booboo1, graficks and .britt. for tuning in!

Taking care of two different kids was no easy feat. If yesterday I was greeted by two soiled rascals, this is what woke me up today:


A pair of you-know-what! :p

Good thing that they are teens now, as they require less attention and I can focus on my workload. Hanikamitchi from the Green House spent the entire morning playing in the White House, keeping Hineonetchi company.


I sent Hanikamitchi home before lunchtime, and sure enough, they have developed a strong bond together, as they sent each other cute little notes.



Hanikamitchi: Thanks for playing with me earlier today! I'll bring you a present later. - Akio

Hineonetchi: Let's play again, I missed you already. I enjoyed the time we had. You just live next door so let's play again sometime. - Ichiro

After having lunch, I allowed Hanikamitchi to visit the White House again. Hineonetchi, being the sweet little girl, gave him a present.

She told him not to open it yet until he becomes an adult.


...and this, my friends... is the cause of my day-long panic.


I just can't wait for this day to end! LOL

(to be continued next post)

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