Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Yup. I truely love these people. But it doesn't mean I dislike them, or dislike what they do.

Tamamum: Since I don't know the verses by heart Google helped me here.

This post shows some:https://carm.org/bible-homosexuality

Also God says https://bible.cc/genesis/9-7.htm be fruitfull and increase the number. Although I don't force everyone to marry and get kids, since sometimes the oppurtunity may never come or some other reasons. But it is a fact that gay's cannot increase the number.

Okay, I think I've said my share.

I'm shocked I haven't said a word about this.


Okay, here I go. I've only really met about one or two Homosexuals in my life - as far as I remember - and both of them (I know one of them currently, I think he knows who I'm talking about) are/were the coolest dudes.

Now, I'm pretty much all for Homosexuality. I don't mind as long as the couple keep to themselves (which I'm sure they will!)

But I have strong views on other people's opinions. I'm absolutely a-okay if's you dislike gays/lesbians, as long as you're not nasty about it! I know people who (have) bash/ed anti-homosexuals when really, it's just as bad as bashing Gays? Isn't telling an 'anti-gay' to die in a fire the same as one of them insulting someone who likes their own gender?

I'm sorry because this whole thing doesn't make sense, I'm on a time limit. Basically, I have a rule that I stick by, and I'm sure others do too - don't judge people by their appearance, race, sexuality or gender. Judge them by their character and how they act towards others.

I think bashers of both Homosexuals and those against Same-sex couples should at least heed that c:

I'm sorry if any offence is made here uwu

Side note - I'm also really happy! David Pocock (Injured Australian Rugby Union captain) supports gay rights/marriage and he says he and his Girlfriend won't marry until his same-sex coupled friends can do the same uwu

Never had a problem with it, never will. If the only reasons gays are looked down upon are because they cannot reproduce, that they are simply of the same gender, or that people find them disgusting does not seem like good enough reasons why they are hated by many, at least in my book. Why can't we all just get along and not stick our nose in other peoples business it's their choice who they want to or don't want to love it's really not that hard ok

ok thank

If I remember correctly, God does tell the Israelites not to "lie with mankind as with womankind" ( Leviticus 18 ), but it might have been for sanitary reasons. Anal sex causes the flesh to tear, so while the receptive partner may not notice, contact with body fluids can cause infection. Since this was before a time where condoms and proper treatment was available this would have been serious and easily contagious. Notice how few times female-female sex ( which is safer and less risky to the health ) is mentioned in the Bible as opposed to sex between two men.

At least I don't think Jesus ever had anything bad to say about homosexuality... And he was living with twelve other men! Besides, going to Hell for your homosexuality doesn't sound so bad when it means you'll get to meet Ellen DeGeneres, Zachary Quinto, Neil Patrick Harris, and Julius Caesar. 8D

I'm pro-gay. I love seeing all these kids / teens showing support and enthusiasm for the gay community. I'm sure that with all the TV shows / programs that are educating them about the "okays" of having a different sexuality, the kids of this generation will become awesome parents!

Hmm, I seriously doubt that the next generation will be awesome. The kids of now are more spoiled than ever, and don't respect their parents.

Also, Brutal, if you read my post, God says they will not enter into heaven, so he does say clearly it's a sin. If you're just going to laugh and mock my religion, please keep it to yourself.

And there's no reason for Jesus to repeat something that was said overly clear.

If you still doubt that God is against GLTB, then you're just plain stubborn.

If he is against normal people that not harm anybody, is he really that good? Apparently Satan is a better person if he takes care of them. (Actually if you read some sources Lucifer wasn't even a bad guy. Plus he was the king of the Babylon...)

It's like he wants them burn for purely loving someone. If two male penguins loved each other would you throw them into a fireplace?

In case anyone thinks otherwise, I'd just like to say that I support Stefan Bauwens when they put forward their opinion and try to explain their attitude to homosexuality as clearly and as simply (and honestly) as possible.

I have looked through the links that were provided and I will say that they generally support my opinion. I still have doubts about the accuracy of the translations and the accuracy of the intended meanings of some of the sins detailed in Leviticus. I do see that Leviticus 18.22 seems pretty clear about the sin of man lying with man (an act translated as "abomination" in the King James version of The Bible).

However, Leviticus 18.19 also details a sin which I firmly believe that many married, practising Christians ignore every month. I'm not going into detail - if you want to know, look the verse up on line or in your Bible.

As for the other two links given I didn't see or understand that God has decreed that anyone who does not procreate or multiply is committing a sin against Him, so it's kind of a moot point regarding views on homosexuality. Ditto the health risks and average age link - nothing to do with Christian teachings or God's word on whether it is a sin or not.

In the end, I try to remember that "we are all made in God's image" - all of us. I think Stefan Bauwens has been honest and clear about their faith and obviously follows Christian teaching by not hating homosexuals or judging them. But, this does not mean that as a Christian they should approve of homosexuality.

There are many reasons why we might either approve or disaprove of homosexuality. If it is for reasons of faith, then arguing points about "nature" and the animal kingdom or human rights is not really directly relevant to the discussion of religious belief vs homosexuality.

If some of us truly believe that people should be allowed to live a certain way or be free to live by certain rules without being judged and if it's not harming anyone then how can we judge a Christian who lives a certain way or by different moral beliefs and rules?

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Following up to TamaMum's response, I respect what each and every one of you have to say regarding this topic. Regardless of what you believe in, it's imperative to understand that no one person is like the other. We are unique and special creatures with the ability to express emotion, love and choices in so many different kinds of ways. This is what I truly love about being human - we can feel and understand one other.

I think it's important to understand that when someone says "I don't believe in homosexuality", that statement doesn't immediately default to hatred or disgust. Like the discussion has mentioned several times previously, beliefs in regards to homosexuality can be very complex on how someone draws their conclusion on the topic. I don't see Stefan Bauwens' belief as a means to discriminate, I see his belief as a means to practice faith that resonates with him - just as we all do things that resonate with us day to day. Some people ride their bikes in the mountains - that is their faith. Others meditate. Others practice religion based on old scriptures inside of churches.

TamaMum said it best,

If some of us truly believe that people should be allowed to live a certain way or be free to live by certain rules without being judged and if it's not harming anyone then how can we judge a Christian who lives a certain way or by different moral beliefs and rules?
Like I said earlier in this topic, I'm gay and I don't need anyone's approval or thoughts to convince me that homosexuality is "right" or "wrong". I know who I am without religion, societal pressures or people's opinions to define what homosexuality is. I personally do not belief in a Christian God or one singular mighty God that determines what is right and wrong on this planet. So when someone states that they don't believe in homosexuality because of their religious beliefs, it does not affect me as I don't share those common beliefs - simple. Why pass judgement on someone else who doesn't believe in the same thing as you? Why not love and embrace the difference? After all, if we can express our beliefs in a way that is polite, respectful and loving, then all is right in this world. Variety is wonderful - it's what makes this whole life experience very interesting.

My brother is a Christian and he does not believe in homosexuality. Therefore, I am not permitted to see my nephew and niece or have any contact with them until "I change my lifestyle". I respect my brother and love him dearly. I would never expect him to change for the benefit of my belief system.

Religion is very complex. It can sometimes be cryptic and extremely vast (and vague) in finding a definition to a particular topic - especially homosexuality. This discussion is good, it allows us to see all the different walks of life right here on TamaTalk.

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If you're just going to laugh and mock my religion, please keep it to yourself.And there's no reason for Jesus to repeat something that was said overly clear.

If you still doubt that God is against GLTB, then you're just plain stubborn.
... I hope you don't think I was personally attacking you beliefs because I wasn't. I wasn't trying to debate with you or anyone over whether or not God is against homosexuality and my post was directed at everyone, not to you in particular.

It was a bit lighthearted maybe, but it doesn't mean I'm a jerk who mocks or laughs at anyone's religion. Religion isn't funny and it isn't a joke.

Now that that's settled, let's get back on topic! uwu

I really rather believe in gods who have to wear bridal dresses to get back their powerful hammer with their brothers getting pregnant with horses to win bets plus being symbolism of anal sex and crossdressing. (I'm talking about norse mythology and Thor and Loki, of course.) Seems way less hateful.

Anyway, as I said I have nothing against homosexuality, but gay parades annoy me. They are the reasons people get disturbed by homosexual people because they do a little too much...

In addition to my earlier posts in this topic...

A person's individual sex life isn't anyone else's business. People should just live their own lives instead of living everyone else's for them.

I'm bisexual. If someone thinks I am wrong for that, that's their opinion. As long as they don't try to butt into my personal life, I see absolutely no problem with them.

I'm straight for the most part. I get minor crushes on female celebrities and fictional characters and I find women physically attractive, just not to the point where I'd want to sleep with a woman or be in a committed relationship with one.

I've actually been called a lesbian a couple of times because I act very affectionate with my female friends ( I don't have many, so you can't blame me for getting attached ). Kinda sucks how you can't even show affection to someone of your own gender without giving the wrong idea. :U

I don't like anyone butting into my life either. If I want to marry another woman, then that's my decision to make. I don't want anyone else to make that decision for me since they're not going to be living my life for me anyway.

It's said that all woman are bisexual. Well, I guess it's REALLY hard to find a woman straight as an arrow, it always was... Knowing how female friends behave towards each other and just basically you know how it is.

Following up what everyone else is saying,

From my perspective of homosexuality, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. I was bullied so much in high school for being bisexual. I just dont understand why religion/people can except the fact that there's going to be boys who go after boys and girls who like other girls. Life is life, and its not mandatory for someone to be straight.

Just think about it, god created us. All of us are fine just the way we are. Have you ever heard the song "I'm beautiful in my way, because god makes no mistakes, i'm on the right track, baby I was born this way"? God created for people to be someways. Everybody is different.

I just want to get to some people they're people that are going to be in your life that are gonna be someways and you need to accept the fact and move on. If someone wants to be homosexual, wear this, or buy that, just deal with it and go with the flo.

- TamaTamatchi

There's many things in Leviticus that are specifically spoken against. Bestiality not wearing blended fabrics, not tattooing yourself, ect. I kinda find it disrespectful to pick only one thing (which honestly I believe isn't an accurately translated verse anyway) and putting it as the motto of religiously driven anti-gay marriage/relationships. There are quite a few dated ideas from the bible, many of which are quite graphic and would be openly frowned upon if anyone were to act upon this lifestyle or act in today's society. From ideals that women must be at the service/beck and call of their fathers and then husbands when they marry with unwavering servitude to people being outright murder for insignificant things because the Bible said it was okay. I don't know about you guys but as a woman, that makes my panties bunch at the idea of being treated as less of a woman. You get my idea though about "dated" ideas though,

I'm not bashing anyone's religion though I question some choices and justifications that people have in the name of treating others differently. If you can't tell, I'm pro-gay marriage and will happily vote in favor of it if it ever comes on the ballot in my state. I plan to teach my son the same principals and hope he treats everyone like equals.

This is offensive > https://www.tradition...rStatistcs.html

I am 25, and bisexual I've dated maybe 5 girls, and only have had relations with one. I dont do drugs, or go to 'sex parties' or 'orgies' I dont even drink. I respect others beliefs but to see this as fact with no sources is just ignorant and plain offensive.

There are as many evil and depraved gay people as there are straight people. I cant help how I feel about some girls, I fall for girls the same exact way I fall for guys. If someone is kind, and loving, smart and funny. Physically attractive and has an A+ personality I cant help but crush on them, gender has nothing to do with it, be it a guy or a girl, if they push the right buttons I just plain like them.

There are MANY sins in the bible that people make excuses up for now, you cannot pick and choose what is right and wrong. Either you see it as all right or all wrong. Personally I do not believe god wrote the bible I believe man wrote it to control people, because we are how god made us and if he makes a flawed being, then he is flawed and there for not a god.

Most things people do in their average day is a sin that will ban them to hell, so before anyone picks and chooses they should go down the list of sins and find everyone that condemns them to hell and repent before they start casting stones at us.

If we went fully by the bible all women would wear head coverings, and stay at home as obedient wives (multiple) there would be slaves, and every day we would stone sinners to death. Dont forget the seven deadlies because that's in human nature and to say you've never felt Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, or Pride means you are lying and that is a sin too.

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This is offensive > https://www.tradition...rStatistcs.html

I am 25, and bisexual I've dated maybe 5 girls, and only have had relations with one. I dont do drugs, or go to 'sex parties' or 'orgies' I dont even drink. I respect others beliefs but to see this as fact with no sources is just ignorant and plain offensive.

There are as many evil and depraved gay people as there are straight people. I cant help how I feel about some girls, I fall for girls the same exact way I fall for guys. If someone is kind, and loving, smart and funny. Physically attractive and has an A+ personality I cant help but crush on them, gender has nothing to do with it, be it a guy or a girl, if they push the right buttons I just plain like them.

There are MANY sins in the bible that people make excuses up for now, you cannot pick and choose what is right and wrong. Either you see it as all right or all wrong. Personally I do not believe god wrote the bible I believe man wrote it to control people, because we are how god made us and if he makes a flawed being, then he is flawed and there for not a god.

Most things people do in their average day is a sin that will ban them to hell, so before anyone picks and chooses they should go down the list of sins and find everyone that condemns them to hell and repent before they start casting stones at us.

If we went fully by the bible all women would wear head coverings, and stay at home as obedient wives (multiple) there would be slaves, and every day we would stone sinners to death. Dont forget the seven deadlies because that's in human nature and to say you've never felt Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, or Pride means you are lying and that is a sin too.
You're right, Dizzie. I don't mind that some Christians disagree with homosexuality, but I find it awful that so many Christians are preaching about their "all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful, ever-forgiving" God, (I went to a Catholic school for many years and learned almost every detail of the Catholic faith without actually being Catholic) while they condemn all gays to hell, etc. They bash a sect of the population and act as if tolerance is a sin (though it's listed as a virtue to Christians). Teaching tolerance of all sexual orientations is a good thing, people who are homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual are born that way, and it doesn't mean that the schools are teaching them to be "of a sinful orientation," if that actually bothers the parents. I think religions were made to be a good thing, but over the years, many of them have evolved into a means of controlling minds, money, and loyalty.

There are many passages of the Bible that contradict one another. Bible verses are thrown around pretty often to support just about any opinion.

There are many homosexuals who are religious, while many are nonreligious; just as there are tons of religious and nonreligious heterosexuals. Saying homosexuals are trying to eradicate religion is just another way to rile up a few gullible Christians.

I am a Christian, and support LGBT rights. I hope the people in that awful website realize that most statistics are fabricated. That's gotta include their own.

I might only somewhat understand why parents might be disappointed after hearing that their child is gay, especially the only child. I mean they want to have grandchildren and keep the legacy on, it's sometimes hard from these of older generation...

But if they kick the child out the house and hate him/her for this they can screw themselves.

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