Recent content by angelofelise


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  1. A

    Music City Grand Opening

    To get Music City to Work: You log in to Music City as usual. Then on your Tama, go to the door icon and select PC. After that, go to the log in button on the Music City Website (there is a little picture of a Tama next to it and it is above all of the other buttons). Enter the code your...
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    The 12 Days of Tamagotchi comments and questions

    Does anyone know what design of the Music Star they're giving out? Just curious. :furawatchi:
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    Which is better?

    Thank you all so much! You have been really helpful, and after the unanimous replies you all put, we decided to purchase the Music Star. The Rock Star design, to be exact. Thanks again! :D ~*~angelofelise~*~
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    Which is better?

    My friend and I are looking to do a Tamagotchi exchange this Christmas. We both haven't purchased a Tamagotchi since the original v4 came out, because of school work among other things. Here's our problem :) : We're not sure if we should get the v5 or the Music Star. If you could help us...