Recent content by AnnaTchi


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  1. AnnaTchi

    Do your friends/family know that you collect?

    My family and close friends all know that I'm collecting. In fact they are really open-minded. When I told my sister she said that everyone should be able to do what they really like (if not hurting anyone) without having to be judged, and that's exactly the way I think ;) As for my friends...
  2. AnnaTchi

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Got this little one yesterday! To tell you the truth I already bought one before, but a few hours after I turned it on, it had a problem whith the screen (it was all white and I couldn't see a thing). I was so disapointed :( I had to buy another one (Fortunately the seller paid me back the...
  3. AnnaTchi

    Need some opinions

    Oops my bad ;) Sorry I should have searched before posting anything! Thank you for the answers!
  4. AnnaTchi

    Need some opinions

    Hi everyone! ^_^ I'm new here and I'm trying to start my collection of Tamagotchis. I wanted some help to choose which one I should take first. I wanted to buy a V3 I saw good opinions about it. Is it a good choice for a first one or not? And then I also wanted to buy the Tamagotchi...