Recent content by austinim2006


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  1. A

    Where do you get a UFO for v4?

    Does anyone know how to get the 50000 point UFO??????
  2. A

    mt brother reeeeeeaaaaaly wants help

    NO!! Don't debug your tama! Especially not a v4, since you cant even choose your character. It is just hyper speed all the time!!! :D
  3. A

    Helpfull warnings for tamagotchi

    Uh, No offence or anything, but what did that have to do with v4's at all? not trying to be mean...
  4. A

    tama heartbeat

    How could that be the motor? Tamas don't have motors. All they have is an embedded computer inside of them!! :D
  5. A

    What design ideas or themes would you like to see?

    Personally, I think we should do more camaflouge colors because then boys would be able to choose more colors :chohimetchi:
  6. A

    i need some help

    It usually becomes an alult when it is 4yrs old :chohimetchi: ^_^ :)
  7. A

    Very Useful Info...You Gotta See This!

    thanks for all those codes