Recent content by Carly91819


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  1. C


    thx tamafana!!!
  2. C


    i dont understand what u said tamafana
  3. C


    help me!!! i keep going to the school and trying to change the teachers i press a or c when the teacher comes and it still wont change (im am not in pre-school) whats wrong???
  4. C

    My v4 Tama Log for my Tama

    Ok my tama just hatched. It's a girl! I named her Elise I fed her 4 scones and 4 cones. She is fully full and happy. I am now just waiting for the teacher to come no so I can go to school.
  5. C


    >ok my tamas are a v1 and v2 they r both teens born the same time and day so they do the same things and on my v2 i used the code and got a love potion so i want to know once their adults do they have to be a certain amount of hours in theiradult age to be able to use the love potion? and my...
  6. C

    My Tamagotchi Log

    KILEY and MOMO evolved at the same time and became marutchis. And they do things at the same exact times ex. poop sleep etc. And now I'll just call them twins.
  7. C

    My Tamagotchi Log

    I am now going to talk about my two tamagotchis. They are my v1 ans v2. My v1 is a girl named Momo and my v2 is a boy named Kiley. What I'm going to do is mate them instead of waiting for the matchmaker. MOMO HUNGRY: 4/4 HAPPY:4/4 TRAINING: 1/9 YEARS: 0 LB: 24 GENDER: GIRL GEN: 1 KILEY...
  8. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >Again I'm sorry that I haven't been on for a while but to update Tohru became an oniotchi and has 7/9 bars I would have had 8 but I messed up once. Well that's all for today bye!!!
  9. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while. Lana left last night and I named her Tohru. I paused her today during school and I'l do it everyday hopefully I'll get a Mametchi or Mimitchi. Well it's a hope. Oh and please will someone please post what they think of this blog because people say...
  10. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >Sorry that I wasn't on yesterday. But anyways the matchmaker came yesterday and guess what! *drumroll* I had a GIRL!!! I'm naming it Tohru.
  11. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >You know I just wondered that it's been 72 hours after it became an adult but hey maybe it's because when it kept pausing by its self when it was in my poket at school so I may have to wait another day or two but hopefully not! I really want a 2nd generation!, it's been what I been waiting...
  12. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    Oh I wanted to tell you guys that if it's a girl I'll name it Tohru from Fruits Basket and if it's a girl Kiley from Peach Girl. As you can see their both anime people. Well I'l post later on.
  13. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >I'm sorry if I didn't start when I restarted my v1. But anyways it's a girl named Lana. It's 6 years old and is a masktchi. I'm just waiting for the matchmaker to come so I can get 2nd generation. So I'll keep updating you guys.
  14. C


    and how do you unbug them?
  15. C


    Willl someone please tell me if it is OK to debug a v1?