Recent content by cloud_chi


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  1. C

    Growth rate of V2 NEED ANSWERS NOW!

    thanks ^^ i guess ill just have to wait then
  2. C

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    34B is NOT freakishly huge. thats what i am and im 12.
  3. C

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    yeah 34b (ish) sincce i was 10 im 13 btw
  4. C

    Growth rate of V2 NEED ANSWERS NOW!

    my v2 has been a teen for 2 days and still isnt an adult yet. my v4 and v2 were born at excactly the same time!! why isnt my v2 an adult like my v4 yet??????
  5. C

    How to lose/gain weight on tama v4

    yeah my tama weighed 59 and when i used the chest it turned into an oldie and weighed 39 lbs. the king brought it to me ^^
  6. C

    What do you want to get for holiday gifts?

    i want the new ipod nano, a wii, a ds, a shopping spree, so on, so forth but money isn't an issue, we just can't buy expensive presents. oh and also a new tennis racket yeah.
  7. C


    Tamagotchi's Name: Leo Tamagotchi's Age: 5 Date of Birth: a long time ago... Date of Passing: " What Generation? 1 Your Comments: Leo was my first tama on my version 2. one day i left him at home one day from school... Lea and him had a baby, leon. when leo died that day, he took leon with...
  8. C


    tell her cause what if she likes you back? then you will be a couple!
  9. C

    learn about gozarutchis

    no if you get one that means you didnt play alot of games with it trust me i know
  10. C

    The Banning Game!

    i ban *santagotchi* for having asteriks in her username
  11. C

    The Banning Game!

    i ban dc for being a lifetime angelgotchi
  12. C

    ♥Are you a girl or a ♥boy♥?♥

    i am a 11 yr old girl
  13. C

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    because its 8 below! why are sled dogs fuzzy? -Cloud-