Recent content by FAMSchick101


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  1. F

    Help For New Owners

  2. F

    What R UR Favorite Games

    Pick a game, any game. i think i like slot and jump on the v1 the best. : :lol: :mimitchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :ph34r: :rolleyes: :wacko: :lol: pm me pleeze. hav no friends. have questions on v1, i can definetly help. :P v2 i might be...
  3. F

    New Tama?

    im gonna pm my friend whose tama that is now, see if she knows anything :)
  4. F

    New Tama?

    ok. its really weird to me because i only have v1 and i hav my friends v2 & i have never seen this character before :furawatchi: it looks like this :) except not. it has the head of ;) but not the body, just a string like thing instead of the body. please help! u can also pm me :)