Recent content by GIR.


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  1. G

    What do YOU think...?

    Under NO circumstance should killing another person be acceptable or okay. You will live with the fact that you killed somebody for the rest of your life and it will haunt you forever and it will linger in the back of your head for life. Also, it will come back to you and bite you in the behind...
  2. G

    Please answer my questions...

    first off, if the buttons don't respond on time, don't press harder, press lighter, it works better. secondly, don't wake your just raises the stress level. that's not good..try to keep the stress level down.
  3. G

    Music Star Help On EVERYTHING!

    Where is the sudoku game? I only know of two games.
  4. G

    Which tama should I get?

    My opinion would be to get a music star. but only you can decide which tamagotchi you want.
  5. G

    What do you think about TamaTown Music City?

    Music City is okay, honestly I think it's a bit to childish though. Music city also needs more games and easier ways to earn gotchi points. I have to play the games about 1,000 times to get gotchi points. Also, I think that gotchi points should be transferable to the music star.
  6. G

    Musci Star Matchmaker?

    matchmaker usually comes when your tama is 5 yrs. Usually comes a day after it turns 5 or sometimes the same day. For me, the matchmaker came the same day that my tama turned 5 yrs at 430pm. The time is you set it to is 429pm and wait a minute and at 430pm the matchmaker will come and ask if you...
  7. G

    Tamagotchi Target Audience

    I'm 23 years old and I don't care what people say or think about me when I go to the toy isle and look at the tamagotchis. People can think or say what they want. If tamagotchis make you happy, then it shouldn't matter who thinks what or who says what.
  8. G

    Money in Music Star

    I'm on my 2nd Gen and the parents left this morning. They only took half of the money.
  9. G

    Tips for Passing Audition for V6

    2 O's do not count as a pass, sorry. You need 3 O's to pass.
  10. G

    1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi

    1145. put a cigarette out on it 1146. swim w/ it around your neck 1147. put it in the paper shredder 1148. use it to wipe yourself instead of using toilet paper 1149. put it in a meat grinder
  11. G

    Stupid Demands vs Lame Excuses

    I can't go home, I'm locked out. Go give the DOG a bath!
  12. G

    Cool New Game ABDEFGHIJKL...............

    Bubbly Bailey
  13. G

    Music Star adult game...and ?

    It helps you bond with your bandmates. I don't believe that it affects the outcome of your your performances. I believe you have to win them for your bond with your bandmates to increase. yeah, that games annoys me some times too.
  14. G

    Music Star Help On EVERYTHING!

    the game in music school when your have to make the music note disappear left [ A ], middle [ B ], right is [ C ] you press the corresponding buttons when you see the note appear. you can't transfer money from the website to your tamagotchi. you can only transfer instruments and...
  15. G

    Music Star adult game...and ?

    you're talking about the game with the arrow and the three bars? yeah, i have trouble with that too. My suggestion is to keep trying. I'm not quite sure if you will get another chance in front of the judges. I think that is the only time. You'll be able to marry when your tama is 5+ years. You...