Recent content by kaipea


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  1. kaipea

    Greet me~!

    :kusatchi: Thank you
  2. kaipea


    Hello, welcome to tama talk. :kusatchi:
  3. kaipea

    Where Do you put ya tamagotchi when going somewher

    I go to college. I usually just hang it on my ID lace during classes. If I go somewhere else I keep it in my pocket or in the front pouch of my bag.
  4. kaipea

    Show Me Your Collection :P How Awesome Is It?

    Whoa, impressive indeed! That's a LOT of tamagotchi. How long did it take for you to collect all those?
  5. kaipea

    how old until u should stop playin with

    One can never get too old for tamagotchis... but anyone can lose interest on it.
  6. kaipea

    Greet me~!

    Hello, TAMA TALK, I'm Kaipea. I've joined today with my new music star tamagotchi. I got the Scarlet Rhythm design... I got it last Monday after weeks debating with myself if I should get a tamagotchi or a harmonica. Which in the end I ended up getting the tamagotchi. I'm enjoying my tama, My...