Recent content by Kelsey100


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  1. K

    Which one?

    Please answer
  2. K


    That is so cool thanx tama talk!!! :D :D <_<
  3. K

    HELP ME!

    I'm so confused! no one will do the polls I make am I doing something wrong?? Am I soposed to click on the box that says Make poll only (no replies allowd)
  4. K


    ;) :( :P :( :( :mellow: :angry: :huh:
  5. K


    just buy it at the store!
  6. K

    What's the worst thing about tamagotchis?

    :D :unsure: :hitodetchi:
  7. K

    Hey, Anyone want to grup hatch?

    I am so joning you can definetly count on me! :D from: Kelsey100
  8. K

    has your tama died

    I defenitly hope not! :)
  9. K


    Tamagotchi's Name:MIMI! Tamagotchi's Age: 3 Date of Birth: ?? Date of Passing: ?? What Generation? 2 Your Comments: She was so young nothing was wrong she was perfectly healthy, but she.... DIED WHY MIMI WHY!! I loved her so much but then I got another girl named it M JR... SHE DIED TOO I...
  10. K

    I have a question!

    Hi, my tamagotchi keeps having this big X go over my screen and it makes me reset it! That makes me really mad!! what should I do?
  11. K

    Do you group hatch?

    Have you group hatched.
  12. K

    A group hatching

    who wants to join in a group hatching? you can gather people to a group hatching. Just gather some friends with tamagotchis and reset them at the same time you and your friend can have a blast doing this. When you do this you can get alot of friends on your friend list, find out if they get a...