Recent content by Koakuma


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  1. K


    waiting for a deco pierce now ^-^
  2. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    I was too worried to use SAL but i ended up ordering an extra berry sweets deco peirce just yesterday n i was like might as well use SAL but for my tama i wanted it asap >w<
  3. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    yeah i picked ems xD and ITS HERE NOW GUYS!!! 8DDD and its sooo beautiful!!
  4. K

    Getting Multiple Tama P's?

    Yes it is white in the flat front part ( white paper actually tho under the cover) and light pink on the back with a pink rubbery heart c:
  5. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    Nope its LA post one of them some where... o.o Eagle Rock maybe but i hope its not that one o.e
  6. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    It only says Los Angeles, CA 90041 and so I googled post office in LA and there are quite a few :P maybe itll get here tmrw c:
  7. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    Okay :( That makes me feel a bit better. I just hope its not in the bad post office in this area. There's so many bad reviews it's crazy, but I guess I don't need to worry too much about their bad service. :P
  8. K

    Guys I'm very upset right now T.T

    So about 5 days ago I ordered a Tamagotchi P's from CDJapan and it passed customs and was sent to the sort facility then left on the 15th. And it says Today, Arrival at post office then 4 minutes later available for pick up. My address is my college address and they didn't get it. Where do I...
  9. K


    I ordered a Tama P's Aikatsu set on the 12th.. I picked ems xD IT'S HERE IN LA!!! But its in customs right now :wacko: //am just impatient I wana playy v.v
  10. K

    Getting Multiple Tama P's?

    Oh gosh xD So Tempting.. Okay I think I will decide with my next paycheck :) Thanks guys!
  11. K

    Getting Multiple Tama P's?

    Yeah.. I really like Harptchi but then buying two more P's hm.. lowest ones are about $50 if I buy the set I mentioned above each P's would come out to $40 with each pierce at $20. Still I would spend less.. only getting 3 P's and the CIAO pierce would be about $200 instead of $338 with the...
  12. K

    Getting Multiple Tama P's?

    So I just ordered my first Tama P's and it is the Aikatsu set one. I like to purchase things in bulk usually because it would be the best price on ebay, but should I get multiple P's? (Considering getting minimum 3 P's with a total of 11 pierces including the Aikatsu set for a total of $338...