Recent content by laurenx


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  1. L


    Oh God, that's kinda scary. But you handled it in a very mature way. You're my hero now. :o LOL.
  2. L

    JB vs. Miley Cyrus

    Yuck, neither. Miley is uber irritating, and she's a spoilt B R A T . :mimitchi: The Jonas Brothers wear strange clothes all the time, but SOME (SOME being the operative word) of their songs are OKAY. ^^'' Miley sounds like a dying cat. I don't even know why she's famous. -__________O
  3. L

    How do you edit your profile thingies ?

    Hello fellow Tamagotchi *worshippers*. :D I need help. How do you make your signature different colors and sizes ? Yes, :D , a totally lame question but I really don't know how. :( I'd really appreciate it if someone helped me ? Thank you ! ~ :P Lauriii. :mimitchi:
  4. L

    what do you think

    I *googled* the Gigapet thingies, and they don't look half as good as Tamagotchis. They just don't look that interesting, but I'm not sure on the concept of the 'Gigapet', but I wouldn't buy it. ^^ :D :mimitchi: :(
  5. L

    Factfile of Yourself~

    I am way too bored. ^^ Name: Lauren. Date Of Birth: 9th December. Age: 13 Location: Not telling. ^^ Height: Short. Weight: Just fine. :P Shoe size: US 7. I have huge feet. Hair color: Dark brown, just dyed reddish. Eye color: Brown, greenish in sunlight. Skin tone: Fading when I...
  6. L


    :P wow, this seems kind of personal to be putting here on tamatalk. :P it didn't hurt for me, but it varies for everybody. shouldn't you just be asking your mom this or something ? some people are right, there are guys and little kids on this. :P