Recent content by Lotia


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  1. L

    The ^ > V game

    ^ Does not have a New Year's resolution > Is watching iCarly and being bored V Died
  2. L

    Mimitchi's Diary

    December 29 Yesterday I asked Violetchi what to do. She said I should back out because I don't wanna turn into a Decotchi or something gross like that. Today I'm going to Mametchi's house to tell him I'm not doing it. I just hope he doesn't hate me for it because even though he's noisy times...
  3. L

    My Tamagotchi Beanbag!(with pics)

    Well, I actually saw them from someone else on the internet. Then I decided to make them my own way.
  4. L

    Mimitchi's Diary

    Ok, this has to be kid friendly ok? Please write in blue Thanks. December 26th Yesterday was Christmas. I got you, a hat, and some chopsticks. Tomorrow Violetchi and Memetchi are coming over to sled and Violetchi says she has something special to give me. I got Violetchi a flower head band and...
  5. L

    My Tamagotchi Beanbag!(with pics)

    thanks! they're pretty easy at the beginning, it's the stuffing that gets annoying.
  6. L

    Memetchi's Diary

    22 December I looked out the window today and saw Mametchi talking to Makiko. I tried to look away but I couldn't. Then Makiko kissed Mametchi!!! I could see her glance at me. She did it on purpose to make me mad. But I just ignored her. I'm leaving. I'm definitely leaving! UGGGGGGHHHHH
  7. L

    Memetchi's Diary

    20th December Well, I've made up my mind. I'm leaving this town. After my life, I've realized that nobody here is trustworthy... except for Mametchi. I'm not sure where I'll go yet. Hopefully I'll be able to find TRUE love. Makiko found out about the wedding. She keeps teasing me about how...
  8. L


    i heard they're coming back in april
  9. L

    You're banned!

    you're banned for having a flashy avvie
  10. L

    Rate The Siggy above!

  11. L

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10/10 :3
  12. L

    My Tamagotchi Beanbag!(with pics)

    Okay I worked hard on this! It's a tama beanbag! Here are some pictures: Sorry they're so small :"(
  13. L

    Tamagotchi Before and After

    Hi people. I know this will probably be a fail of a topic but... Anyway! All you do is take a picture of you're Tamagotchi all boring and BLEH, then you put stuff on it to make it pretty, then you put the before and after photos on top of eachother here! BTW This isn't the real makeover it's...
  14. L

    What Pokemon are you?

    im the ONLY TORCHIC EVER!!!! :) for the starter pokemon quiz