Recent content by milesxapart


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  1. M

    Can tamas go into fastforward?

    lol - yes I'm completely serious. I thought it was kinda cool! :furawatchi: I don't think it's the batteries... my tama is brand new. Maybe all V2s do it?
  2. M

    how does the UFO look like

    There ya go :furawatchi:
  3. M

    Can tamas go into fastforward?

    When I push the c button my tama goes into fastforward. I just hatched him yesterday and he's already 4 years old with full training bars. Does everyone else know about this? Maybe I'm just stupid for not noticing until now. :furawatchi:
  4. M


    While playing with my marutchi I noticed that if I hold down the c button my tama seems to go into fastforward - but only for a few seconds. Does it do that for everyone else? :D I'm not sure - maybe I'm just a moron and everybody knows about this. But I've never noticed it before...