Recent content by MoOn*Sparkle


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  1. M

    Weird Feelings...

    FYI: It's been going on for (at the least) one month. I don't exactly think food poisoning could last that long. But I did start feeling this right after I got the stomach flu, months ago. Influenza can do a great deal to you, I guess... But it hasn't stopped, I've told a trusted adult, and...
  2. M

    Weird Feelings...

    OK, I really, REALLY need some help. And NO, this isn't about 'love', or 'I have a crush'. No, it is about myself and feelings I am getting. If you have any suggestions, please, please post them. I feel I really need all the help I can get, because I don't understand what's going on in my body...
  3. M

    Are you smarter than a 5th grader

    Yeah; It's such a funny show! People who actually dropped out. Now that's scary if they don't know more than a 5th Grader, because I'm a 5th grader! :ph34r:
  4. M


    I think there is already a topic like this in Tamagotchi Cousins, but whatever. I'm skippy_maddie on Neopets. :wacko:
  5. M


    Ugh, 'THE VIDEO' is tomorrow. So exciting, really.... NOT. I don't wanna have to watch it, but all my friends are. Bleh. I know it's essential, but it sounds gross because my teacher was telling us about the nurse having to be there, because there are only certain parts we can see. 0_o
  6. M

    True Anger

    Off Topic: I really wish some people would use good grammar and spelling right about now... Yes, I've felt 'true anger' many times. Today, yesterday, the day before, two years before that. Anger is a natural thing and part of life. So it's really not that big of a deal to get angry at someone...
  7. M

    Battle of the Brand Names

    Ditto. Usually I buy my clothes at different places, and I know I've never bought anything from Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostale... And only once have I bought something from Limited Too. :( When I shop, I'm with my mom only to make sure she doesn't get something... odd looking. :(
  8. M

    Can you delete your account?

    I think this is a bit unnecesary to post. Maybe you could PM a guide or Admin about it, though? :D I'm sure they will fully understand.
  9. M

    I've been wondering...

    On your's, all you have to change is - on the last you put, all it needs to be is , just as shown. So it wouldn't be [/GREEN], but it would be [/color]. Did that make sense???
  10. M


    To planet Mars
  11. M

    I've been wondering...

    You mean like this??? Example Here's what I did: first you put the color you want the underline to be in. Then you put the underline tag, and then the color you want the text to be in. After that, you put [/color][/u][/color]. And that should do the trick. Here's another example: Example...
  12. M


    Yes, I've had to Tama-Sit for my sister and my best friend. It wasn't too bad, actually. ^^
  13. M

    Why dont I get an Allowance but my brother DOES!?

    When he is home, ask him if you did something around the house, if you could get allowence like your little bro. I mean, if he saw you do the work then he wouldn't have any kind of excuse not to pay you atleast for your hard work and/or effort. :(
  14. M

    Virginia Tec. Univiersity

    My teacher was on the phone with her husband when I walked in the classroom, and she was freaking out! I thought it was so sad, and scary at the same time. :( You never know when something like that can spring up on you, you know? In honor to Virginia Tec. U - What a loss. :( May the...
  15. M

    Hey! Wizzo here.

    Welcome to TT. Enjoy the Tamagotchi tips, help, and news! And there's also a suggestions forum, an RP section, Library (where you post logs and Tamagotchi Stories), Tamagotchi Talk, Arcade, Tama Memorial, Art section, and Non Tamagotchi Talk. We have tons to do here! :) Just read the Rules...