Recent content by nmhj5


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  1. N

    Your Sadest Or Happyest Love Story

    oh ok sorry to hear that
  2. N

    Your Sadest Or Happyest Love Story

    ok here goes mine its a sad one: i like this one girl and i was going to tell her so it was after school and i saw her then i was going to tell her and i called her name then she said"Yeah?"and i said"Come"and i told her to follow me and i went to the back of the school and then i said"I I"and...
  3. N

    Do you have a Country named after you?

    ok well it says i have a country named before me XD it is called sanluis YEAH!!!!!!!!! OH and a famous person is named after me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS IN THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT NO IM IN THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A ACTOR!!!!!!!!!!+ A SHOW!!!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!+ A...
  4. N

    this opne time my power went out

    ;) i have to protest :lol:
  5. N

    this opne time my power went out

    well mine went out for the hole day :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D : ^_^ k ill stop :P
  6. N

    this opne time my power went out

    i think it is going to do it again omg!!
  7. N

    this opne time my power went out

    IT WAS CREEPY!!but strangely i liked it!
  8. N

    this opne time my power went out

    omg once I was sleeping over at my BFF's house and her sis had a person sleeping over too (she was also my friend) and the power went out and it kept going on and off until it finally stayed off all of a sudden Jessica's (my BFF's sister's guest) cell rang and after she was done talking she said...
  9. N

    this opne time my power went out

    it is pitch black i had to go to my cousins house and my brother had to stay in the house to do his homework and he had to use a flash light so like yeah and then at like 10:00 it got more dark so then he graved a knife because it was so dark that if u look at his psp and then if u look at the...
  10. N

    this opne time my power went out

    i hated it ^_^ :D
  11. N


    i like them alot because i feel all cozy and stuff and then i take a hot shower then i feel good ^_^
  12. N

    cool lets pm
  13. N

    I just made one! :ichigotchi:
  14. N

    What are you listening to now?

    robout rock-daft punk yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :D :D :D :D :ichigotchi:
  15. N

    i dont like it

    I'm in 5th grade so like yeah I don't get summer homework thank god you must be in 4th grade or 3th grade I love 5th grade!!!but I feel like if I'm in 6th grade