Recent content by *Ocean Sparkle*


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  1. O

    Do people make fun of you for having a tamagotchi?

    Kids in my school (High School) don't really have tamagotchis, some kids make fun of me for having one, but they're just jealous. The only time anyone's ever said anything about my tamagotchi was "What's that?" and "Mackenzie? Is there a reason that you have one of those tamagotchi things that...
  2. O

    Do people make fun of you for having a tamagotchi?

    Ooops! Sorry, I double=posted! I'll just say something different>>> Nice avvie, tama star!
  3. O

    Group members PM boxes. *Reminder*

    A few other tips to add: 5) Before you click on "Send message" remember to delete the checkmark in "Send a copy of this message to my Sent Items folder" then there will be no messages cramming up your Sent Items folder and you don't have to go deleting them every week or so. 6) When you PM...
  4. O

    The Banning Game!

    I ban you for having the word 'Ban' in your user name!!
  5. O

    The Banning Game!

    I ban you for getting off topic and calling meowbark mean cuz it's not true!!
  6. O

    The Banning Game!

    I ban you 'cause you banned someone! *Ocean*
  7. O

    what are you doing in the summer?

    I have soccer, 2 Volleyball tournaments, one in Ottawa, Canada, and one in California. I'm going to an endurance camp called camp Sadaka (Suh-Dak-Uh) and I'm gonna be a lifeguard! Woo! Gonna be a lifeguard! Woo! Woo! Woo! Gonna be a lifeguard! And I start August, and I go once every two weeks...
  8. O

    What is your tama's name?

    What's your tamagotchi's name??? I have 7, and their names are Taco, Alpha, Tibby, Angel, Sky, Cadet, and Sammy. The girls are Tibby, Sky, and Angel, and the boys are Sammy, Alpha, Cadet and Taco. If you need help on names, pm me or ask me. My fave names are Taco, Cadet, Alpha, Sammy, Sky...
  9. O


    Um, hi tamaparadise, and I'll be your friend and all but... this should really be in introductions, and please use the pm feature to chat. Don't worry, I'm just going to get a guide to move this to introductions, not close it. *Ocean*
  10. O

    Have You Stuffed Up Making a New Topic?

    It works for me! But I don't even care. Like, it's just a post, you're not putting your life at risk or anything...