Recent content by Ohsoawesome


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  1. O

    Lefty or Righty?

    i am ambidexterous (spelling?) That means that I am both right and left handed. Some people in my school think that that is wierd. I mostly write with my right hand, though. :angry:
  2. O

    What do I say to them?

    i know how you feel once i had this friend we were like besties and then i moved.... four years later i go to a birthday party and find out that that same girl will be there! I got all nervouse, and didn't know what to say, but when we started talking it was like we were besties again. U should...
  3. O

    What are ways to....

    I know how you feel because i have exactly the same problem. I eat and eat and eat but never get any bigger. Infact i just get skinnier. *groan* :angry:
  4. O

    Boy Trouble

    Ok, I know that I'm only twelve, but I have already gotten myself into boy trouble! There's this new boy at our school, Jake, and i liked him as soon as I met him. I have a HUGE crush on him!! I play with all the boys in our class (they're pretty cool, actually), and sooner or later they...
  5. O

    Girls: Have you suddenyl gone boy crazy?

    I am turning twelve, and i have already found out that SEVEN boys from my class like me! (we only have 24 kids in our class). I guess that i am sort of going a bit boy crazy, but it only started when htis new boy came to our school. I have liked him ever since. He asked me out!!!!! I guess...
  6. O


    I LOVE READING! These are some of my most prized books. (read them about 50 times each!) Post something here and tell me what books and authors that YOU like. :( Jess :P
  7. O

    do you know of any good books!

    To tell you the truth, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING, and that would be a sinch for me. I read about twenty 300page books every two weeks (maybe more). ;) Some really great books are: Deltora Quest 1, 2 & 3. (16 books), Protector of the Small quartet (by Tamora Pierce), Eldest, Eragon, and...