Recent content by olivicom1996


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    tell me how much yow know about gozirutchis plz i used to have one!tellme more!!!
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    What design ideas or themes would you like to see?

    i say tamagotchi fave on one = Gozarutchi,Nyatchi and Nazotchi :huh: :( :nazotchi:
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    learn about gozarutchis

    :kuribotchi: WAIT IT DOES NOT I HAD A HINOTAMATCHI AND I TOOK THE BEST CARE OF IT AND IT TURNED INTO A GOZARUTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :D :D :D :D :D :D :huh: :D :angry:
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    learn about gozarutchis

    ^_^ s are almost unown. they long to become a japanese ninja. they practice throwing stars and shukiren. it also could mean you took bad care of your tama because its very stubborn! thats all for now tell me and i might add yours on! olivicom1996 and ;)
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    Do you like the Tamagotchi Version 3 commercial?

    i know it's great! ^_^ i love the biggining! :angry: i have a v 3 and 2 v 2s ^_^ i have 4 virtual pets!3 tamas and a powerpal! :angry: im the busyest! :D