Recent content by ~Pokemonlover~


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  1. P


    oh g2g bye
  2. P


    This seems fun... -shakes up a Dr.Pepper, spews it on MnMztama495 getting it in his/her eyes then gets a bowl of crumbled up chips and Oreos and dumps them on his/her head- Ha ha!! :D
  3. P

    Guess the Song!

    Yeah thats right! My song: Keep Holding on Cause Im here for you Im here for you Just stay strong Cause you we're gonna make it through we'll make it though
  4. P

    How often do you use your iPod?

    lol. I know my school has all kinds of stuff baned. Tamas, Phones, Camaras, iPods, MP3s, DS', Game Boys, Game Boy Advances, PSPs, CD players, ect. :P Stupid school... :D
  5. P

    Did your Tamagotchi ever get Confiscated?

    QUOTE (Gotchi Boy94 @ March 11, 2008 06:52 pm) Well, something happened to my friend.... We were in Japanese class, and my friend, took out her tama and started to play it. The my Japanese teacher took it, and guess what.........................she started playing it! It was hilarious :] wow...
  6. P

    This or that? clothes. Lets see oh, I know! Pokemon games or Mario games?
  7. P

    confistaging tamas

    yeah i think Charleen is right too. (I play with them at lunch and recess ;) )
  8. P

    Issues with TamaChat?

    When I try to get on it tells me the wbsite cannot be found. It says "Opps" on the tab thingy and I dont know why it isn't working can someone help me? P.S. Im not sure if its just my computer or what. If it still dont work tomorrow its may be my computer.