Recent content by rctan9


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  1. R

    How many virtual pets do you own?

    Jeez, I wanna meet the person that ownz 20+ =/ I myself own (should be past tense) about 5. I was always big on Tamagotchi, but was bigger on the whole Digimon hype.
  2. R

    New and needing help!!!

    Well, my name is rctan9 [r.c.tan.9 = Ronald C. Tan 9 (dunno why I picked 9, but it's been the number for years...)] I got some interest in this Tamagotchi Connection since a few of my friends have it, and I might as well join the group =/ Anyways, I hope to learn a lot here, and if anyone...
  3. R

    How to get a certain Tama???

    I'm getting a Tamagotchi Connection on Sunday, and I really want my Tamagotchi to end up being a Masktchi (spelled wrong???). Anyways, I was wondering if there was any webpage or anything anyone can give me that can tell me how I should treat my Tama to make it turn into a certain one, or is it...